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I shouldn't worry too much about hair loss, as you get older you lose your teeth, your eyesight and hearing fail and your knees begin to creak! So they tell me! :lol:

I have just been looking at an Anglo/French forum I'm on and they have a joke of the week thread running. 30 pages so far and growing! Someone has posted the same type of thing on there, only a LOT heavier, still very close to the truth though. I was tempted to copy and post it here, but I believe that 'certain persons un-named' may well 'spit their dummies' if I did?

By the way, I assume that you are an ex-serviceman Dr bob and know all about the things you were stating?

First hand??? :roll:
Kalimna":1d1f3ms5 said:
Lons - Somehow, they let me into uni here (Dundee), and Ive been edging west and south ever since..........

Adam S

Wouldn't get past us lot in Northumberland :lol: Plenty of gaps in the wall on the Cumbian side so oportunities to slip through.
I'd stay in Scotland though. Nice scenery and big open spaces (bit like here really :wink: )

Thats it chaps I'm off.
This kind of negative energy has no point whatsoever.
I did not spit any dummies, I raised a point about language and behaviour that has no place in a civilised society. Feel free to express these opinions.
I want no more of it.
Have picked up some useful info here and met a couple of nice guys.

Ta Ta.
chunkolini":346tpgoe said:
Thats it chaps I'm off.
This kind of negative energy has no point whatsoever.
I did not spit any dummies, I raised a point about language and behaviour that has no place in a civilised society. Feel free to express these opinions.
I want no more of it.
Have picked up some useful info here and met a couple of nice guys.

Ta Ta.

I reckon about 3 weeks...... I have experience....
I have not been around for the past two days and have missed this cauldron I have stirred up.
If I thought my joke was even slightly racist I would not have not have posted it on a national forum. I am in no way racist (I even like most Saesneg, except Jeremy Clarkson) and apologise for upsetting or annoying anybody, particularly chunkolini and have amended my post accordingly.
I now have to duck the spears coming from Scotland. The Welsh bit is O.K because I am one.
When we have lefties complaining that Aleksandr Orlov and the Meerkats, or the Three Wise Monkeys are racist, you don't think that will get you off the hook do you?
A severe flogging followed by sack cloth and ashes might just permit you rentry into the human race, if you're lucky! :twisted:

Will, I really don't see why you have made the change? Both countries are foriegn, hilly and wet, so why the change :? :?

As for racisime, it is everywhere if you look hard and deep enough. I am not a racist, but I get annoyed when everything is geared towards finding it everywhere and making life even more difficult than it is already.

My 2 centimes worth.
Jonzjob":tkksh742 said:
but I get annoyed when everything is geared towards finding it everywhere and making life even more difficult than it is already.

The fact is John, it has now become 'trendy' to do this, it has the appearance of making the person doing it look intellectually superior, it's a form of snobbishness I detest.

As many have said above an insult is only an insult when it's intended to be, otherwise it can be just a funny use of words, for example, I'm going now to cuddle my two big black bastards. Big because for canines they are (Apprx. 60Kgs.) Black because they are (All Newfies are black) and bastards because their Mummy and Daddy were never married.

Let's see how many people misinterpret that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (As if I care :!: )

Oh heck, for 'sprouts' please read what was intended, and no it was not intended to be objectionable :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well if Eddie Murphy is happy to use THAT word I fail to see why we should shy away from it, context is everything.

We have just got a brown jobbie, oh dearI feel it coming on? A chocky lab, not as big as your black jobs, but just as cuddly!

I suppose that I feel a bit sorry for those who obviously didn't have any toys as a child and now have the toy of PC and naturally have gone mad with it. BUT now where is the adult to tell them just where the proper and sensible line is?
Jonzjob":2cketoz8 said:
I suppose that I feel a bit sorry for those who obviously didn't have any toys as a child and now have the toy of PC and naturally have gone mad with it. BUT now where is the adult to tell them just where the proper and sensible line is?

=D> =D> =D> ........................But don't feel sorry for them, it wouldn't be appreciated and might be considered insulting :wink:

As an aside: i was on the metro train into Newcastle recently and had the audacity after pushing the door button to offer a young lady the opportunity to leave the train first. Her response? "who do you think you are? Until I'm as old as you, I will manage very well thank you!" I was so taken aback, she was gone before I could utter a cutting response :roll:

I've said before [incl. on this forum] that offence is often in the eye of the beholder.
Racism is poor thinking. A natural result of the fact that the brains [incl. human] react to contrasts and differences, but flawed none the less.
I reserve the right to use any taboo word, in front of those targeted by the word, especially if those targeted are 'allowed' to do so.
I don't use taboo words unless being deliberately provocative.
I reserve the right to offend someone if I feel like it. They'll get over it, maybe retalliate, maybe offend me back. We'll both get over it.
Sticks and stones etc.
The surest way to perpetuate racism is to keep making a fuss every time you think of it, especially if it's not there.
The fear of being branded a racist prevents important discussions of well known problems in our society, this serves nobody!

Wow! bet the OP wasnt expecting all this, I do feel that in this day and age you can open your mouth and not actualy say anything but still manage to 'offend' somebody - what a pathetic state of affairs.

Lons, I've had some similar responses over the years while using public transport - unreal isnt it?

Had a quick look on youtube for over reaction videos, didnt find anything suitable but found this amusing...
Just a delayed reaction! :lol:
Mind you, some people would find racism in a recipe for Black Pudding!

I would hope, but also I would doubt. The Government is apparently arguing with the European Court on the 'right' to wear the Christian Cross I wonder if they would do the same for the Yamulka, Hijab or Kirpan?

France being a secular country I wouldn't know owt about that?

I have my own cross to bear, or should that be bare?

I wonder wots going to happen to hot cross buns when some idiot notices that they have a cross on them? Of course, they don't have them here.

Loads of Saints daze though :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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