Curved door AV cabinets for the lounge

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Very nice, Andy - and, an excellent set of work-in-progress photo's to go with it! :) Thanks for sharing.
Chippyjoe":21ooqtm0 said:
Nice work Andy. You must be chuffed with the way the cabinets have turned out.
Look forward to seeing the finished job and good luck with the spraying.
That is certainly worth some brownie points from SWMBO !!!
By the way do you have an interest in old American cars?

No particular interest in American stuff, I'm VAG through and through. But do like American numberplates, so much more interesting than UK plates. Brighten up the workshop a bit!
DeanN":2qarsn5k said:
Very nice job - and inspiration for a couple of alcoves I need to do something with in the new year.

Can I ask how the smart rail system is used to create curves though - does it pivot? In the past I've created a templates to size, or used a baton on a pivot to create curves.

Look forward to seeing the painted finish.

Not designed to pivot. I just drilled a 5mm hole through the rail and the MDF at my centre point, dropped an M5 bolt through. Locked the slide mech down and machined away. Worked a treat. I think you can just see the M5 allen head bolt in the pic.
Mightily impressed by the attention to detail. The curved doors are echoes of 'Art-Deco' and the underneath lighting gives the impression that the units really are floating.

=D> =D>
That's very cool!

Well done! =D>

I've been meaning to make some curvey units and doors for my up-coming kitchen build. I'll definately be using that jig design!

Truly awsome, sir!!

Bryn :D
Amazing piece of work. The problem now is I'm reconsidering the design of my toilet/washroom to see if I could incorporate some curved doors!!! And now I'm looking round the lounge to see if any units could be removed and replaced with curvy ones... Will it ever end.
Thanks again for all you nice comments.

I have decided to remake the curved doors, as they dont sit quite right, slight twist in them. I will be making a new jig which will ensure they are straight. I'll post up some shots of the design once I have completed it.

Have had lots of nice comments from family over xmas, I think I might be making more for family!!

Cheers Andy
Superb!!! I especially like the way it floats. I'd love to do something like this but do an overlay veneer of oak to match the rest of my furniture. Excellent in all respects. =D>
Here is the old jig.


and here's the new one.


So the differences.....

Extra cross members at each end of the curve.
This will keep the door nice and flat when its clamped down. I have a little waveyness on the current doors where they are not curved around the hinge area. The cross members will eliminate this.

A back stop.
This will allow me to clamp all the thicknesses of the mdf together against this back stop to ensure they sit straight on the jig. This is how the current doors are slightly twisted.

I make the doors slightly oversize. 2mm extra in height, 2mm longer on the hinge side and 60mm longer on the non hinge side. I then use the router to machine these extra bits off after the glue has set. I'll post up some wip shots when I remake the doors to explain all.

Cheers Andy