Annoyingly the lovely chair I spent the last few months making has developed a crack in the base…
Seat base is Laminated and joined with 3/4 inch dowels
It was properly dried wood ~12-15% moisture initially measured on my probe before making the chair.
The room it’s in is ~ 50% rh and doesn’t fluctuate much no drying of clothes etc. The garage I made it in is also at ~50%rh has a dehumidifier set to this target rh all the time.
I know it’s positioned near a radiator but this radiator is rarely ever on, and when it does it’s warm at most.
I think the crack has extended and widened slightly, but the chair is still rock solid.
I would have just put a bow tie in but it’s in an awkward spot between the spokes for the back.
Whats best course of action? I’m worried it’ll continue to split.
Seat base is Laminated and joined with 3/4 inch dowels
It was properly dried wood ~12-15% moisture initially measured on my probe before making the chair.
The room it’s in is ~ 50% rh and doesn’t fluctuate much no drying of clothes etc. The garage I made it in is also at ~50%rh has a dehumidifier set to this target rh all the time.
I know it’s positioned near a radiator but this radiator is rarely ever on, and when it does it’s warm at most.
I think the crack has extended and widened slightly, but the chair is still rock solid.
I would have just put a bow tie in but it’s in an awkward spot between the spokes for the back.
Whats best course of action? I’m worried it’ll continue to split.