Couple of small bowls

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Established Member
29 Oct 2008
Reaction score
Norfolk, near the sea.
Hello everyone, I've not been on the lathe for a month!!! :shock: :shock: Thanks to working 7 days a week for a bit and being busy in my very small amounts of spare time setting up my new big reef aquarium 8) Anyhow crazieness over I'm back to my beloved maxi2 :D

Just to break myself back into it gently I had a go at a couple of the fancy little blanks I got free from the nice people at Yandles when I bought my new lathe.

A simple bowl for olives made from wild olive finished with food safe oil. Its about 4" diameter.A bit basic but what a gorgeous piece of wood 8)

And this one from black walnut. Only 5" wide and coloured with acrylics and finished with satin laquer.

Comment and critique welcomed.

I saw the first one and thought " That's a nice bowl but a bit plain for Johnny :lol: Then I scrolled down and saw the 2nd one. The decoration is really attractive and works well for me . Both are really lovely shapes.

Welcome back. by the way...missed your inventive turnings

Johnny, these are just great, lovely wood and finishes. Although the first one is simple, the grain is so lovely that actually to do anything more complex with it would probably do it an injustice! Anyway, very impressed. cheers Steve (HM)
Excellent, simple form on the 1st one, what a lovely grain J.

Love the creativity of the 2nd one as well, great looking bowl and both look very tactile.

Great stuff :D
Hi Johnny,
Good to see you're back in the spin again and two nice examples of your work. The grain says it all in the first bowl and needed no further attention and the detail of the second looks really well.
Hi JT,

Had another look at these and the first one for me is a total winner.

Strange with all my crazy stuff but this one is just so exemplary of a small bowl. Form is graceful, like the chunkyness to it and the grain is a beauty. Also, good that you've left it as natch as poss, really loevly little bowl.


Johnny, been coming back to these two on and off and trying to put my finger on what caused my "first impression".

Come to the conclusion that it's the clean, controlled, simple but sharply defined shape of both and decoration in the case of the walnut.

Flowing curves are easy to achieve, often in a form that's less than pleasing but sharp edges juxtapositioned with a clean flowing form show good tool and finishing control.

Crisp is the word I think that sums them up for me..
Thanks Lee, I think it would do you good to practise at this sort of simple thing, good curves, even wall thickness,sharp edges and a good finish. In doing that you will very quickly gain the basic skills that will allow you to produce the more ambitious things you come up with without having to think too much about what your hands/tool are doing.

Thanks Chas 8) its nice to turn these simple bowls now and then and try to do them as perfect as possible, they were good for 'getting my eye back in' and the bwalnut one has already gone :D

johnny.t.":3ex7kev6 said:
Cheers Jenx :wink:

Have you had any time with your lathe lately or is your work still keeping you too busy?

Managed to do a bit.. yes ! ... some 'successful' some, well.. not so much ! :lol: :lol:

Work's hectic, but good.. just got my son started with the company this week.. and would you believe it.. he's asked for a try at turning too !! Finally, I'm getting through to him ! :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks Harlequin :D

Jenx, wheres the pictures then! :lol:
Hope you can show your son how to use the lathe without any arguments :lol: I know when I've done stuff with my 'old man' in the past we usually have a disagreement or two :lol: :lol:
Will have to dig the camera out... !! :lol:

The 'likeleyhood' of a major strop is quite high ... he's got a bit too big for a clip round the lug .. about 3 inches taller than me, which doesn't make him a giant, but he's likely to hit me back nowadays ! 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: