Coronet Minorette Lathe Headstock Bearing

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Established Member
21 Nov 2014
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West Sussex England
I have just acquired a Coronet Minorette lathe (with various attachments) and found the headstock bearing has a bit too much play - oiled the bearing and it gently seeped out which is probably fine,
So how to adjust the bearing? perhaps its by moving tightening loosening the notched circular ring on each side of the headstock in combination one way or another ? I cant find a how to do it on line, does anyone have a manual they could share with me please. Apart from the bearing it will be useful in setting up the other items. thank you
Yes, you are correct. The phosphor bronze taper bearing is adjusted by tightening the notched rings.
Message me your email address & I'll send you the manual & other info.
Super little machines in their day; my first "proper" lathe was the Gamages version of the Minor, subsequently supplemented by an incomplete Minorette. Learned an awful lot working on and with the two.
Thank you Robbo for the manual and info much appreciated, any idea of the Minorette drive belt length as the current one is probably the original and stretched beyond reasonable adjustment. I should be able to get one from a local belt supplier.
Thank you Robbo for the manual and info much appreciated, any idea of the Minorette drive belt length as the current one is probably the original and stretched beyond reasonable adjustment. I should be able to get one from a local belt supplier.
take the existing belt and get one half an inch shorter should be fine
Well following the instructions I managed easily to slacken/move off the bearing the l/h bearing locking ring and loosened the grub screw in the pulley so it slides on the shaft - and the phosphor bearing slid out easily
But the roller bearing/ball race assembly at the other end of the headstock is well and truly stuck onto the shaft. No end of trying to knock the shaft through is making any difference - going to Toolstation to buy a bearing puller to hold the bearing and push the shaft through the bearing. Fingers crossed - might need to buy a new bearing as well at this rate
Bearing puller only just fitted, did it tight tight and a clout with the hammer on the tightening end should pop the bearing along the shaft - absolutely nothing.
All I'm trying to do is get the belt off and fit another!
I think the existing belt is wrong it doesn't sit nicely in the pulley grooves, the top is well above the pulleys and so I think its the wrong profile as well as being too long. It doesn't look stretched through use.
So looking at the web to try and identify what belt I really need ---- is to measure the diameter of the pulleys, the distance between the centre point of the pulleys put that data into an online belt measuring calculator and it will tell me belt length needed. I think you can work out the belt section/profile on the same site
I just taken the pulley off the motor and will take that and my estimated length to a local belt specialist and hopefully get the right belt. If its a slimmer profile to the existing I might just be able to force it through the small gap between the end of the shaft and the circular hole (bearing casing) once I push the shaft forward (into the headstock). If I can get it in/on I can just cut and remove the current belt.
Even better if a kind person could look at a Minorette or a Minor (think the motor/belt/headstock is the same) drive belt and let me know all of the markings
Derek Pyatt is the man with the knowledge. His belts probably aren't the cheapest but at least you would get the right size & perhaps help with your bearing removal.
- Pyatt Woodworking
Thanks Robbo

In the meantime and before doing anything I have sold the Minorette to an-other who (has a Record Lathe) and is passing it to his brother who wanted a lathe, he felt the belt didn't need changing, but he came up with a suggestion that could "tighten" the belt. If you drill bolt holes in a piece of 1/4" steel plate and insert between the headstock and motor bracket it moves the motor 1/4" from the lathe and the drive belt will be tightened, I am sure a 1/4" would tighten the belt sufficiently.
Seems a cunning plan to me if I came across another Minorette that had a stretched belt I know what to do.
I have just acquired a Coronet Minorette lathe (with various attachments) and found the headstock bearing has a bit too much play - oiled the bearing and it gently seeped out which is probably fine,
So how to adjust the bearing? perhaps its by moving tightening loosening the notched circular ring on each side of the headstock in combination one way or another ? I cant find a how to do it on line, does anyone have a manual they could share with me please. Apart from the bearing it will be useful in setting up the other items. thank you
Did you manage to get a copy of the user manual? Because I have inherited one of the wood working lathes and would like some help with it.
Thanks for any help you can give
Did you manage to get a copy of the user manual? Because I have inherited one of the wood working lathes and would like some help with it.
Thanks for any help you can give
If you contact Derek Pyatt Google Pyatt Woodworking he will have a manual and plenty of advise, he is a lovely chap and very helpful.
Coronet Manual attached plus leaflet showing parts & extras.


  • Coronet Lathe Manual .pdf
    5.4 MB
  • Coronet leaflet (20 page).pdf
    3.7 MB