Now, I have finally got to the point where I can glue up the base with the drawer slip inserted. However before I do that I need to do one final thing to the legs - taper them.
Up until now I have been working with the legs square down their length, but the plans call for the 1 1/2" legs to taper to 1" at the bottom. To do this I put the base together to ensure that I cut the tapers on the inside corner (I would hate to get this bit wrong after the amount of effort it took to get the M&T joints fitting properly).
So I have marked out which is the inside of the leg. I then mark out the 1" from the outside of the leg (just in case there is any discrepency in the sizes) on both of the sides that need cutting.
Then I carefully cut the first side on the bandsaw with a nice new blade. Then I rotate the piece to use the line that will show me the second taper cut for the leg, only to reliase that it is now on the waste that I have just cut off... pipper...
After a bit of thought I am not sure how you can cut the taper on both sides without needing to go away to mark up the second cut.
Anyway, both sets of tapers are now cut and then planed and finally sanded to 600 grit on all sides (as are the aprons).
Now comes the scary bit, the glueing up. As can be seen from the bottom left hand corner of the second draw slip photo the Evostik Resin W waterproof glue turns the wood black and stains, so I am going to try the standard green Resin W instead. (I had read in a glue article in one of the woodwork magazines and the waterproof Resin W is better on hardwoods which is why I was using it rather than any need for waterproofing).
After a final check that everything fits together snugly I start to apply glue to both the tennons and the mortices with a small brush (in a vain effort to avoid squeeze out).
Then comes the task of putting everything together. I put the sides together and then using all 3 of my two hands manage to get the draw slip in place as well as all of the M&T joints. Then I clamp it all togther.
1m bessey clamps are not the easiest thing to use when your object is only 13" long and most of the clamp is hanging in mid air, but I get there in the end. After checking, the glue up is even square first time!!! :shock:
In order to keep the clamps from squishing the open end I have put the blank for the draw front in between the two legs at the front to ensure that the gap is correct.
Which is what you can see at an angle just under the draw slip...
... And yes after clamping it all together I too noticed that I have routed a rebate on the front of the draw slip where I do not need one. However all is not lost, as I need to take the rebate back to the main part of the drawer slip as I will not have a groove in the drawer to accept it. Unfortunately as I discovered this after I had got it all clamped up and square I will have to fixe it with a chisel and a careful hand.
So now all I need to do it make the top and the drawer and get it all finished in the next 6 weeks...