Competition - CLOSED - Results 9am MONDAY

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Please vote for your choice

  • Cutlery canteen - AndyG

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chisel Cabinet - Dedee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bowfront Chest of Drawers - Johnboy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Small Bowfront Cabinet - Jorden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pew Seat with Storage - Offcut

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mirror with Secret storage - Steve Maskery

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lacewood Veneered Box - StevieB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scalectrix Chest - Syntec4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cherry Cabinet - Waka

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
I'll apologise in advance for any confusion, but all of the posts within each thread will have Newbie_Neil against them. The heading of each thread will tell you which entry you are viewing.

The judges have voted and now it's your turn. Enjoy the show.

The final post in each thread will contain links to all of the other entries and, also, a next and previous link.

Links to the competition entries: -

Cutlery Canteen from AndyG.

Chisel Cabinet from Dedee.

Bowfront Chest of Drawers from Johnboy.

Small Bowfront Cabinet from Jorden.

Pew Seat with Storage from Offcut.

Mirror with Secret storage from Steve Maskery.

Poker Chip Box from Stewart. (Information Only)

Lacewood Veneered Box from StevieB.

Scalectrix Chest from Syntec4.

Cherry Cabinet from Waka.

If you have any questions, or want to make any comments, please post them in this thread.

Thank you to everybody who entered and good luck to you all for such inspiring entries.

Also, a huge thank you to the judges who have done a magnificient job. =D>

Also a big thank you to Alf for coming up with the idea of the curve.


Thank you for the tremendous amount of work you've put in making viewing the entries as easy as possible - I can imagine how long it must have taken. =D>

To the entrants, well, phew. I thought throwing in that "curve" ball might be interesting although I anticipated a lot of curved edges to tops or stretchers, but you took up the challenge with aplomb. Some really high quality entries and ideas there - take a bow, each and every one. Choosing just one is tough. Very tough. Neil hasn't said we can't, so I'm gonna do more than just vote. He has The Power and may edit it away if he likes (don't worry about PMing me if you do, Neil)

Stewart, it's such a shame ill health intervened, because your Poker Chip Box is full of challenges and I really look forward to seeing how you bring it all together. I hope you'll show us when it's finished?

Special kudos to all the entrants who tried a technique (or more than one) that's new to them - s'what it's all about. Lee (Syntec4) especially, 'cos for only the third thing you've made you make me sick :p

Steve, well storage was a huge catergory and you almost managed to miss it... :roll: :lol: Love the mirror, but for me it's Not According to Schedule. Sorry.

Anyway, this is hard because I really like Jorden's and John's Bowfronts, and the fact they both tackled it in such different ways has been fascinating to see. But for actually showing the finished article storing what it was meant to, the number of new things tackled (and risking that one lovely piece of 1/4 sawn oak in the process) but most of all for having a curve that's functional as well as aesthetically pleasing, I'll have to go for Andy's (dedee) Chisel Cabinet. Just hits the spot for me.

Cheers, Alf
Hi Alf

Thanks for commenting on the entries, that is exactly what I had intended, as I think it makes it much more interesting.

Alf":iarod2nl said:
Choosing just one is tough. Very tough. Neil hasn't said we can't, so I'm gonna do more than just vote. He has The Power and may edit it away if he likes (don't worry about PMing me if you do, Neil)

NewbieNeil":iarod2nl said:
If you have any questions, or want to make any comments, please post them in this thread.

I've edited my original post to add bold and italics as it covers your comment.

Well I have got to say that there some amazing work here...... thanks to every one your sharing there's a lot of ideas here

I finally voted for Lee (Syntec4) ....... very impressive as only third job (I'm still struggling with my first!)

good luck to every one

Well I've finally decided almost but I think I may go and lie down in a dark room for a bit until I have made my mind up/

The quality is there, the work and an absence of curved tops, Mmm off with the light

I think the one who really took on the curved element by the scruff of the neck was Johnboy. His project seems to say, "I'm intrinsically curvy and that makes me lovely" whilst the others say, "I'm practical and I've got some lovely curves".

No matter who wins the competition, all the entrants have produced amazingly high quality pieces of woodwork which are prizes to be treasured in their own right. Well done everyone.

=D> =D> =D>

Gill summed it up perfectly for me. Well done everyone =D>.
As a judge of this and several other woody competitions, I can tell you this one was damned hard to judge.

Well done to all entrants, I am deeply impressed with your skill and that you managed to complete such impressive work in such short time.

Well done on running this so impressively. The work you put in to allow us mods to judge it and this facility for memebers to vote (with all the work collating the figures after voting) are much appreciated by everyone I'm sure.

Possibly you should be elected to moderator and 'zsar of competitions'? Only kidding mate, moderating takes up all ones spare time as it is :?
So hard to narrow it down, the workmanship superb, for what it's worth my two-pennyworth.

Dedee, clean lines and superb visual effect from the oak.

Syntec4, Your third piece! and essential storage too, well done.

Jorden, admire your tenacity in assembling that, just a bit busy for me.

Waka, Cherry Oooh beautiful, but I prefer my cherrys with a little more curve.

AndyG, Cherry, Oooh again, and a tour de force on joints and dimension control. something that will take prominent place in the household and deservedly so.

StevieB, would have liked to be a fly on the wall when you cut for the banding and parted the lid well done for tackling the veneer.

Steve M, I like it a lot, but storage capacity?

Offcut, another essential storage solution that will find a home in the family for years to come.

But when I came back and gave them all a second coating of looking at it was "Johnboy - Bowfront Chest of Drawers" that I voted for.

To me it has a timeless design that some future member of the family is going to point to and be proud to declare that 'john' made that for ....
Everyone did a great job, I think.

Those that standout for various reasons are StevieB's Lacewood Veneered Box. One reason was the manner of veneering the top--a sandbag. Though I have done this before, I had forgotten and it was a great reminder and a lovely result.

Johnboy's Bowfront Chest of Drawers is wonderful. The curved nature of the piece doesn't look forced at all. Very well done design.

My vote--and it was tough--went to Andy's Cutlery Canteen.
Mainly for the execution of involved and difficult joinery, as well as overall design and execution.

Take care, Mike
Well I've placed my vote, I guess I'm allowed to even though I'm an entrant.

I have to say it was a very hard choice to make as all the peices are excellent, but my vote is going to (no I'm not voting for myself) Johnboy.
I think everyone has entered something brilliant. There is not a single entry that I don't like! :D Which made picking a winner very hard indeed. I'm not really qualified to comment on the techniques used or construction quality, so I wont. But I do know when I see something I like. I liked Waka's Cabinet and would love to have that in my house.

But best of all I like Offcuts Pew. The wood is very nice, and its a lovely shape. SWMBO said that we should have one in our house. So I voted for that :D

Well done everybody!

Neil, many thanks for all your organizational work, and also to the others who had a hand in bringing the competition together.
Thanks everyone for their kind comments, especially MikeW :)

Excellent work all round. Good luck everyone for Friday!!
Wow very tough to vote on this one!

I thought all of the pieces were brilliant. My plans to enter are still on the back of an envelope, though I did get the timber and hardware delivered - on current progress expect to see a finished project by 2010!

In the end I opted for Johnboy - I just liked the piece, proportions, and execution for me made it shade the others, but only by the thinest of shavings (the kind I wish I could get from a hand plane :roll: )

I also think that Offcut and Syntec4 deserve special mention in my eyes, because producing anything with kids seems like miracle work in my eyes - with a seven week old I am trying to work out if I will ever get sleep again, let alone get time in the Workshop.

Whoever wins I think all the entries were outstanding , you should all stand up and take a bow!
=D> =D> =D> =D>

Well done guys, simply amazing work and all so well documented as well.
Makes me feel really challenged when I see such skills.

Steve M; beautiful mirror but misses the spirit of storage by a fair bit :wink:

Andy G; superb canteen and very technical achievement; just a tad 'blocky'for me.

Offcut; Lovely take on a design older than time, very very nice.

Waka; great cabinet, I know how much grief it gave you, again a little light on curves.

StevieB; Super box, have done a couple of these and know just how hard that lacewood can be to work when it gets thin!

Syntec4; A box that will pass down your family for years to come, just lovely.

Jorden; great use of curves in a superb chest; for me the design was just a little too 'in ya face' but really good execution.

Which brings me to my two front runners:

Dedee; tool storage is a real favourite of mine and I think that your chisel cabinet is quite simply stunning. Nice use of the space at the bottom and looks great in proportions.

Johnboy; this chest has all the requirements of the competition in spades,
wonderful mix of materials and a daring and successful go at the curved fronts. I simply love it and would love to have one in my home.


and thanks to the entrants and mods for a very interesting and enjoyable comp.
I would like to applaud all of the entrants =D> for the excellent standard of their work. It is so interesting and useful for the rest of us to see and read how their work has progressed and to share all the trials and tribulations that they went through.

This was a tough challenge. I liked all of the entries and I am sure they will be treasured for years to come. However, for me two stood out because of the quality of the work, the colour combinations of the wood used and they also had a certain exquisiteness about them. They were the mirror by Steve and the bow-fronted chest of drawers by Johnboy.

It is difficult to choose between them - but at the end of the day, because it so well meets the criteria of the competition, it has to be Johnboy's bow-fronted chest of drawers =D> =D>

Guys...I can only dream and aspire to what you've achieved. The WIP photos and how you went about making them are so useful for the future ..(is there any way we can 'harvest' the pictures and put them on the UKW server for posterity?)

I just hope I have the time, patience and most of all, skill, next year to put in the HUGE amount of work and loving attention to detail that you guys have put in.

Well done and also to the judges and Neil for making it run so smoothly.
Hi All
My vote has got to go to Johnboy.
A very impressive project.
But all these entries just mean that I have a long way to go.
Thank you all for competing and a big thanks to Neil for all the organization and not to forget Alf for getting the ball rolling.
It been great following the progress, and that also deserves a
big thanks for all the WIP pics and taking the time for the rest of
us to see how you were doing.

All the best

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