CLS studwork for dining table frame, bad idea?

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I also like the B&Poo 2x3 studs and I use them all the time to make stuff/use in building etc where I can get away with that size.
-the shop is right next to me
-they are 2pounds with the trade card, and you can buy 1 as well if you wish with the trade card for that price
-you can absolutely go through the pile without anyone looking at you and select without a need to hurry the pieces you want
-they are reasonably dry and straight enough if you pick out the best from the pile

Did I said they are open on sundays and late at night so I can just pop in whenever I want and I don't have to go to timber yard half a hour away if I just need some structural/building stuff?
Of course they are not redwood nor is anything special but still there are some pluses...

Only if the rest of their timber was the same way....