Cleaning the gloop off the iron table of and Xcalibur

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Established Member
4 Sep 2005
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Miles away - totally impractical...
I've managed to remove most of the protective gloop from the table of my Xcalibur but it remains a bit tacky in places. Any recommendations for cleaning the surface properly (or am I being too fussy?).


I would try white spirit and lots of bits of rag, followed, once dry with lubricating wax to give a slippy surface that has some rust protection as well.
805 and for a bargain price too. Found that Woodford had listed 3 of them on eBay with a starting price of £375 + £44 delivery. I was the only one that bid and the other 2 remained unsold.

I think I know why they went unoticed too... The title did not mention "table" or "bench". The listing was under category "Crafts > Woodworking". Strong possibility that someone searching for Xcalibur would spell it "Excalibur". Only 23 people had seen the listing when it was down to the last 21 hours of a 7 day listing.

However... I'm waiting for a blade to be sent to me (was missed out of the box) and I did have to wait longer than promised for delivery due to some problems with the carrier.

Nevertheless, seems to be a cracking saw (even though I've not managed to actually use it yet).
Congrats on the new TS. When I collected my new BS a few weeks ago, it also had some gloop on the table. I used some medical alcohol to clean it of. Only took a few seconds..

Make sure your workshop is very well ventilated, wear a mask and use some solvent, I use small amounts of MEK et al. Shifts sticky protective oil in seconds flat
