Iroko loco!
Hello folks
Been looking at some videos online about cleaning and maintenance of ball bearings
but haven't come across a good video on the subject.
Mainly the comments is where anything is to be gained from.
(I have some questions after my rambling paragraph.)
I am pondering/toying with the idea whether to replace the newish SKF explorer bearings I have,
in favour of trying out the old Koyo bearings which were in the machine previously.
Why?, well seems that those SKF bearings have more of a chamfer on the outer race compared,
and the application is for bandsaw wheels with a non shouldered bore.
As you can see the SKF on the right and Koyo's on the left.
These bearings were in a bucket at the folks place for years, and I'm guessing have plenty of grit embedded.
Cleaned up two of the three (one got mangled somehow)
with the possible intention to install them sometime.
The pair which I cleaned from the outside with a thin ruler, are not scratchy or anything,
but I dare not use them yet, just seeing if it may be worth trying.
I've got a new tooth brush and a new can of thinners if that's any good for the job?
Would make a seal removal tool if one exists, most seem to either suggest a pick or a Stanley blade,
some remarking on youtube comments that one should remove them by prying on the inner race
side of the seal, as damage would not migrate out of a damaged seal due to the centrifugal force.
Is it more difficult to remove I wonder?
I have at least one seal which I think has been damaged so can do some tests with.
Not yet looked at as closely at them, as I likely need to.
Not sure what grease I need, seen folks mention not to mix as one type incompatible with the rest.
One of these bearings has black grease migrating, don't know if that means it's toast?
Me auld fella has got some, likely the cheapest stuff one can buy for farm jobs.
I don't really want a big tube of messy grease in the workshop forever, so might just use some of that if suitable, have to look up whatever is on the label yet though.
I've read NOT to go for the ever migrating silicone, which is the pinnacle of my knowledge as it stands.
Best removal tool for rubber seals, do you poke the other one out from the inside?
Are paint thinners and toothbrush suitable for removing old grease, to inspect the races?
Best/worst NON silicone grease for for the job for the bandsaw, does black grease migrating mean those races are scored?
Is there anything else I'm omitting?
Thanks folks
Been looking at some videos online about cleaning and maintenance of ball bearings
but haven't come across a good video on the subject.
Mainly the comments is where anything is to be gained from.
(I have some questions after my rambling paragraph.)
I am pondering/toying with the idea whether to replace the newish SKF explorer bearings I have,
in favour of trying out the old Koyo bearings which were in the machine previously.
Why?, well seems that those SKF bearings have more of a chamfer on the outer race compared,
and the application is for bandsaw wheels with a non shouldered bore.
As you can see the SKF on the right and Koyo's on the left.
These bearings were in a bucket at the folks place for years, and I'm guessing have plenty of grit embedded.
Cleaned up two of the three (one got mangled somehow)
with the possible intention to install them sometime.
The pair which I cleaned from the outside with a thin ruler, are not scratchy or anything,
but I dare not use them yet, just seeing if it may be worth trying.
I've got a new tooth brush and a new can of thinners if that's any good for the job?
Would make a seal removal tool if one exists, most seem to either suggest a pick or a Stanley blade,
some remarking on youtube comments that one should remove them by prying on the inner race
side of the seal, as damage would not migrate out of a damaged seal due to the centrifugal force.
Is it more difficult to remove I wonder?
I have at least one seal which I think has been damaged so can do some tests with.
Not yet looked at as closely at them, as I likely need to.
Not sure what grease I need, seen folks mention not to mix as one type incompatible with the rest.
One of these bearings has black grease migrating, don't know if that means it's toast?
Me auld fella has got some, likely the cheapest stuff one can buy for farm jobs.
I don't really want a big tube of messy grease in the workshop forever, so might just use some of that if suitable, have to look up whatever is on the label yet though.
I've read NOT to go for the ever migrating silicone, which is the pinnacle of my knowledge as it stands.
Best removal tool for rubber seals, do you poke the other one out from the inside?
Are paint thinners and toothbrush suitable for removing old grease, to inspect the races?
Best/worst NON silicone grease for for the job for the bandsaw, does black grease migrating mean those races are scored?
Is there anything else I'm omitting?
Thanks folks