Chunky TV Table

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Established Member
23 Apr 2008
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A Wood Haven
One down next one started. The brief for this is fun, its got to be really chunky, 100mm top and legs with good character, knots, splits but still refined. So a tough balance to get. To keep the cost down I'm making the legs and top hollow form.

Oh I hate the perspective view! I come from a 3d design background, my program of choice is 3D studio max, I couldn't work out why anyone would want a design program where the default view was perspective!

Just for you here's a perspective view.

This looks promising, keep those photos coming. :)

One day, you'll learn the values in buying far too much wood...!! :D
This is really boring, but mainly cause this is a boring build to be honest. I want to keep it a WIP but haven't had anything to show really except these one or two. So I wanted to post them tonight as I have the finished ones to post tomorrow.

As always, thanks for reading.
I like the concept of 'good character but still refined' and I'm watching this one with great interest. Though its always interesting to see your quality work of course! Will be good to see how that end-grain trick works out too :)
Yeah a little Elektra Beckum 250G, its capacity is only 100mm but it only cost £80 from that workshop closure and hopefully its better quality than the Axminster clone that costs £180, made in germany and all that. I got a new set of blades from Ian for £10. I just need to adjust the drift via tracking. The more I've been working with hardwood the more I've felt the need as I have to thickness off a lot of wood to get thin panel and it seems a big waste. I thought that dust extraction was meant to be bad on bandsaws, but this one seemed to catch about 75%. I'd defiantly invest in a bigger machine in the future. I'll get a picture tomorrow, its a tidy machine.
I like the packaging with the label on the side! 8)

Definitely looks 'chunky' to me - is it as heavy as it looks?

I might have put a wider lipping on the edge of the bottom shelf and also widened the bottom rail on the side panels just a bit, to keep it in tune with the 'chunky' theme.

You said you were allowed to use knots and splits on this one yet, it looks like you've used some pretty decent oak? :wink:
Nice job Chems.

I try to put off these people who want the rustic look though.
I made a cedar wood patio-table and benches for a friend. He wanted the 'rugged' look, so he had me put irregular chamfers on all edges. No problem, but he also said, 'Don't worry too much about splits and gaps! they'll add character!' (I don't know what kind of work he thought I would do!)

Now he wants the legs beefed up from 4 x 2 to 4 x 4 so I have to remake the trestles underneath! Oh well, with his brief, I can rush it in a weekend and he'll be happy! :lol:

John :)
Customer is always right as they say.

Funny you should say olly, I had planned but ran out of time. Its pretty decent, got a few knots.
As much time as I can. I can get a lot done these days, mostly thanks to the domino and TB3 :)

Thanks for the nice comments all.
Thanks Rob, I'm sure you TV table will look even better with all those beautiful hand skills been put to use.
Very nice and it looks right at home. :)

Did you send it by courier then? Even though you'd boxed it, I assumed you were going to delivery it personally?