Mission statement: at this time I am not likely to be turning bowls. What I actually want to do, is drilling. I want to be able to turn a ”chisel” handle (in fact for a clamp) and then drill a 3/4” inch hole accurately in the end.
I know I can probably do this on my pillar drill but a 3/4” hole is a big hole.
I guess a Chuck is the best way to hold the work? If so, what would be a good one to get? Presuming the mission will likely increase in years to come.
Mission statement: at this time I am not likely to be turning bowls. What I actually want to do, is drilling. I want to be able to turn a ”chisel” handle (in fact for a clamp) and then drill a 3/4” inch hole accurately in the end.
I know I can probably do this on my pillar drill but a 3/4” hole is a big hole.
I guess a Chuck is the best way to hold the work? If so, what would be a good one to get? Presuming the mission will likely increase in years to come.