Christmas Ideas ?

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I posted these a while ago


A search of my posts will find how to make them, or give me a shout for a description
OK Nick...... what the heck are those ornaments made from :shock:

Oh, I got some Hard Maple today, and I turned this little fella from it.........

I think the form is getting better, no nose on this little guy yet.

Stu in Tokyo":rj7ht7jh said:
OK Nick...... what the heck are those ornaments made from :shock:

Banksia nuts - the devil's gift to woodturning... :wink:

Andrew (who tried one once,and thought that once was enough)
PowerTool":1t7gt43w said:
Stu in Tokyo":1t7gt43w said:
OK Nick...... what the heck are those ornaments made from :shock:

Banksia nuts - the devil's gift to woodturning... :wink:

Andrew (who tried one once,and thought that once was enough)

Oh jeez those are those things from down under that they can't sell to no one, so they sell them to the Yanks........... :wink: :D

Just funning :lol:

I've heard they are NOT FUN to turn.

I'll stick to Maple for now! :ho2
Brilliant idea - love the snowmen, both painted and plain, as well as the box. I am tempted to put some wood into my metal machining lathe and have a go!

I made this wooden soldier about 2 years ago now.Based on the Nutcracker ones that you can get.
As you can tell i wasn't really into turning then so it is not that good.
It was going to be painted but just never got round to it as usual :roll:
His hats got damaged now too so i will have to have another go at making one.His arms move back and forth.
Stands about 20" tall.All made from scraps of Pine.
Just another idea :shock:

Click on image to enlarge.

A variation on the tree theme

They are made out of pine or any other scraps I have around, I turn them and the wife decorates them.

Some work some dont. :)

For some other ideas try here

Well, I tired a box tonight............

Worked OK, but I got the dimensions a bit out of whack :roll:

Too much hat, not enough head, oh well, it was fun working out the mechanics of it anyway.

BOY does that Maple turn nice, I mean MAN what a pleasure to turn it! :lol:
Great to see more ideas and links posted.

Those nuts look incredible. (I googled to see what they look like before turned and they are damn ugly). I bet they are tricky turnings. Sure look well on the tree.

Paul, thats another idea for a friend's kid. I remember seeing one of those Nutcracker men all painted in bright colours and it did look well.

John, I need to hide those tree pics. As soon as the kids see anything pink it will be.. Dad..... Will you make us one ;)

Stu, that Maple has certainly got a nice finish. The box is another great idea and is probably beyond my skills at the moment but. One day!


Shaun, I think that is the 3rd or 4th box I've made, once you figure out the mechanics of making one, they are not that hard, and they are fun!

Lots of ideas!
The Banksia nuts are a real pig to turn - sharp bits fly off all over the place, and there's a layer of red fluffy stuff under the shell that itches like crazy. Then when you think you are winning, the whole thing just disintegrates. But the finished article is worth the effort.....
OK next one....... :D

A double box snowman.

I think the bottom needs more work, I did not quite get the base where I want it, but, these are all WIP.

Actually Pete, I'm having a blast with this :D

This one was actually a save, I made the hat WAY off the head :x so I took, the opportunity to make a better box! :wink:

These are all going to get painted, I've not done anything more than just sand to #400, no sealer etc, they should paint up fine. I might put some wax on the collars of the boxes, mainly to keep the paint off o them, but not much more.

Thats one thing I have learnt now. Even if you make a right old bodge with some imagination it can still be a good result.

Another great show Stu, should look really good with paint on.

The three piece idea is spot on. I need to read my Keith Rowleys book darn'd quick to get these skills before Christmas :)

Yeah, Keith's book is tops, first turning book I ever bought, and really the only one I've gone back to a lot for reference, he got the basics down tight in that book! :D
