Robin Clevett did a video on the single bevel trestle might be helpful
He's brilliant! Virtuoso performance. No bench stops, no vice, trade saw, no drawing board, no Sketchup.
The final touch with the digger shows how strong the splayed legs are - triangulated and working against each other. If they'd been 90º the thing would have racked and suddenly collapsed lengthways.
I've never tried that single angle approach but must have a go!
I wrote up the text book method here
Making perfect trestles which is much more difficult - it's training exercise not meant to be easy, but does start making sense if you get stuck in.
Only ever made three pairs this way, well thats all I needed, they last forever! (n.b. old website due for makeover, all out of date)
Thanks for that jvc26, never seen it before.
Apologies to swisstony for taking his topic off piste!
PS Just had a closer look - Robin Clevett's "one bevel" is a brilliant working method, but is a tiny bit of a cheat as the geometry isn't spot on - there'll be little errors but they'll be be barely visible. At 6'30" he's marking the housing as perpendicular, straight across, but to be perfect it should be angled slightly. Not sure what the angle is would have to work it out.