Cheap Japanese Chisels?

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Yes, no limits to the heresy. 10" Tormek wheel now.

It is clear that the Japanese aim for a single flat bevel. I have seen many chisels and they seemed to have minute convexity, but nothing of the Paul Sellers ilk. Just a very slight deviation from perfect flatness.


I enjoyed my visit, thank you. Will look forward to seeing you soon.

Is it fair to say that it would all seem to come down to the steel since you're otherwise setting these up completely in the Western tradition? You're looking for particular attributes in the steel and have yet to find them in anything but Japanese chisels?
Yes. Generally hardness is much higher than trad western tools. Some modern ones get close.

I remember feeling that I could see my Stanley 5001 edges folding when paring dense exotics.

Much steel was laminated in England in the past. Crucible steel being expensive.

I have always understood that an unlaminated steel chisel of Japanese hardness would be too brittle to use, so the lamination is providing a considerable benefit.


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