Established Member
Rob, I've tried to find out the chemistry of how Cascamite sets but I've drawn a bit of a blank. I'm guessing the water is just used as a solvent but it could be taking part in the reaction. Either way it appears that water getting into the can is the problem. At a guess Urea-formaldehyde is going to be fairly hygroscopic so stopping water getting it will take some effort.
The best way to stop water getting in is to put the can in a plastic food box, sprinkling a desiccant around the outside and sealing the top. If you are really paranoid wrap cling film around the seal of the can and the plastic box too. If you want complete belt and braces pop the whole lot in the freezer. As a rule of thumb for every 10 degrees you drop the temperature the rate of reaction will halve.
Regular salt will act as a desiccant but it's not very good at it. Bake it in the oven at 120 deg C before use. A much better (and safe, it's actually a food additive E509) desiccant is Calcium Chloride again baked before use.
The only problem with this solution is getting it out each time you want to use it (which of course will introduce some water). If you only use it once in a blue moon I suppose it wouldn't be that much hassle.
The best way to stop water getting in is to put the can in a plastic food box, sprinkling a desiccant around the outside and sealing the top. If you are really paranoid wrap cling film around the seal of the can and the plastic box too. If you want complete belt and braces pop the whole lot in the freezer. As a rule of thumb for every 10 degrees you drop the temperature the rate of reaction will halve.
Regular salt will act as a desiccant but it's not very good at it. Bake it in the oven at 120 deg C before use. A much better (and safe, it's actually a food additive E509) desiccant is Calcium Chloride again baked before use.
The only problem with this solution is getting it out each time you want to use it (which of course will introduce some water). If you only use it once in a blue moon I suppose it wouldn't be that much hassle.