Upon even further contemplation I have decided that this piece is incredibly thought provoking.
At 1st a simple white bowl with a round ball in the centre. But 1 man created it all, and not only did he use his hands, lathe, tools, wood etc. he injected so much of himself into the piece, that it says lots about it's creator.
George, you are about my Fathers age (sadly he passed last November), and I know that even he would have adored your work, it is everything and nothing at the same time.
"Unlike Mark Sanger i dont have any philosophy behind my work"
Perhaps those interested in Eastern Philosohpy should be studying this piece with deeper concentration. It is a most delightful and peaceful production in which one can be lost and found at the same time, if we forget our troubles and just look!
To compliment with compassion is still an act of compassion.
Thank you George for providing a much enjoyed and cognitive experience.
Lee Robert Sneddon BSc (with Hons) Psy. HPC