...but it pays the rent....


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Established Member
26 Feb 2006
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oop norf
Mundane, repetetive production work, but it pays the rent - 6 front legs, 6 back in Oak to replace the 'Mahogany' originals - approx' 3 1/2" diameter x 4 1/2" high.

It's what Turning fulltime's about I'm afraid.


nothing wrong with that chris, at least you get to use your lathe through the week, and as you sayit keeps the wolves from the door.
They look damn nice anyway.
Don't know of a regular job that does not have it's fair share of boredom Scrums, at least you have the maximum control of your destiny possible and I can't think of many occupations where you have so close a hands on influence on the quality of output
Hopefully you don't have too many intermediaries taking their cut of the output.

Although boring if constantly repetitive, I find small batch jobs satisfying if only for the satisfaction gained from having fined the process down to minimum tool setup and changes.
Dear Chris,

May I ask why you have copied my avatar picture?


P.S. I don't mind in the least, just curious...
chris_d":68ey29rc said:
Dear Chris,

May I ask why you have copied my avatar picture?


P.S. I don't mind in the least, just curious...

erm badger badger badger war about to start ???
chris_d":cn10sern said:
Dear Chris,

May I ask why you have copied my avatar picture?


P.S. I don't mind in the least, just curious...

Chris, Scrums has been here using that avatar for much longer than you have.
wizer":3gq2y3jh said:
chris_d":3gq2y3jh said:
Dear Chris,

May I ask why you have copied my avatar picture?


P.S. I don't mind in the least, just curious...

Chris, Scrums has been here using that avatar for much longer than you have.

yeah i thought that

scrums: joined in feb 06, 582 posts

chris _d joined in feb 09 , 49 posts

"why have you copied my avatar" .... hmm mr pot meet mr kettle
Well, what a coincidence! I've never seen any of Scrum's posts before and completely independently found the same badger image.

Anyway, we can always depend on wizer and BSM to try to twist an innocent question into an act of war.... :wink:
Hi Scrums,

6 is a nice sized batch. It's more than 50 when it gets tedious!!! I once made 1000 "key rings" for a special job. OMG!! Never Again!!!!!

Good work though. I take it the "square" ones were a simple bandsaw and sanding job?

Richard Findley":2lmbsiqa said:
Hi Scrums,

6 is a nice sized batch. It's more than 50 when it gets tedious!!! I once made 1000 "key rings" for a special job. OMG!! Never Again!!!!!

too right - did you see those knobs tep made for waka - that must have been a tedious old job (tho very nicely performed). I find it very difficult to do more than a handful the same before my mind starts wandering and the sizes start getting different.

scrums - legs for what is what i cant work out - swimbo suggests they are for a sofa , but then why six - can you put us out of our misery ;)
chris_d":38u07ank said:
Well, what a coincidence! I've never seen any of Scrum's posts before and completely independently found the same badger image.

Anyway, we can always depend on wizer and BSM to try to twist an innocent question into an act of war.... :wink:

Wish I knew where people get these animated aviators (I still think that Brad's seagull was one of the best!).

I truly hope that the winkey (god knows if that's a correct term for a winking smiley!) signified a sarcastic comment to be taken in good humour but it still felt rather (for rather read about a few light-years) wide of the mark :evil:

post deleted because i'm not dignifying that with a reply

Seriously people, lighten up! And yes, the wink was meant to indicate sarcasm - I was simply conveying how both BSM and wizer get involved in almost all threads as committed members of the forum.

Scrums, is it 3 armchairs 2of each for front and back 8) 8) .
BSM wrote that he and SWMBO were discussing what they were for. It must be great for you (Boys and Girls as the case may be) to sit down and check out the work thats shown on the forum. I dare not do that with my SWMBO.because she thinks that what I turn is brillant so why disallusion her.
Well done Scrums, what ever earns the crust thats whats important.
REgards Boysie.
Nice job of the mundane production work Chris. :)

Must admit I quite like production work, but I suppose it is because I just like standing at the lathe. The job is often immaterial I enjoy any type of turning. I agree though that when putting bread on the table you have to accept any job which comes along, likes don't come into it.

Again, nice job.
miles_hot":10uu36bg said:
Wish I knew where people get these animated aviators (I still think that Brad's seagull was one of the best!).

scrum's/ chris's is off of www.badgerbadgerbadger.com - while i think brads was a youtube clip - there are a few stock animated avatars in the forum stock set as well.
boysie39":klljp4l1 said:
Scrums, is it 3 armchairs 2of each for front and back 8) 8) .
BSM wrote that he and SWMBO were discussing what they were for. It must be great for you (Boys and Girls as the case may be) to sit down and check out the work thats shown on the forum. I dare not do that with my SWMBO.because she thinks that what I turn is brillant so why disallusion her.
Well done Scrums, what ever earns the crust thats whats important.
REgards Boysie.

are you see swimbo knows my work is rubbish and hopes i'll improve :lol:

actually she thinks its brilliant - its me that knows my work doesnt hold a candle to a lot of what we see on here.
CHJ":319br0zy said:
Don't know of a regular job that does not have it's fair share of boredom.

Tell me about it. It is Performance Review time at work again. Going through all 94 objectives with each member of the team and then discussing what their grade is. And then explaining why I need to give them a different grade in order to fit them all to the company bell curve... It takes pretty much a full day per person.
"And then explaining why I need to give them a different grade in order to fit them all to the company bell curve... "

Come off it! No company has a bell curve - there is always curtosis with a long tail to allow for the important folk at the top end.... :roll:

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