Bristol Design Tools

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I was in there a couple of months ago? Or are you suggesting something has happened more recently than that?
PaulO, do you know if there's a website for Bristol Design Tools (I've been unable to find one), or if they have an on-line distributor? Thanks.
There too old school for t'internet.

It's still there in Park Row by the BRI. I almost bought a No.5 there yesterday!
Thanks for that, it's good to know they're still going.

I bought a selection of their chisels about twelve or fifteen years ago when they first started producing them. They take an edge like no other modern chisel I've ever used, but the backs needed enormous amounts of flattening and they're incredibly rust prone (maybe the high carbon content?).
Yep they are definitely still in business, with an excellent mix of expensive+collectible, sensibly priced old and useful, and their own ranges of chisels, carving tools and green woodworking tools.

Well worth a visit.

Joints":3qxdurwv said:
I almost bought a No.5 there yesterday!

I've never found anything particularly good in their old tools. I was told (by a reliable source) that there is a club you can join that gets first dibs on new stock. In other words the serious collectors get all the good stuff before it reaches the shelves.

I have bought the odd old chisel to be sacrificed and used in a special application, but they are a bit overpriced IMHO.
You could get on their mailing list for old tools which they publish a few times during the year.

Seem to remember the plane making side of the business advertised for sale in one of David Stanleys Auction catalogues not long back....
Used to have the tool lists but thought stuff was a bit pricey :cry: :cry: