Bringing goods from the EU

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If anything in your shopping cart is branded with anything other than "Tesco Basics", Then yeah you can afford premium prices as far as about 9 million others in the UK are concerned.

just reread that and it comes accross as a personal dig which is not meant Rorschach - collective you/we sort of thing

Tesco basics, living the dream! :LOL:

I didn't take it personally but I know what you mean.
Unfettered access my aris....
Take back control of our borders (except the new internal one we agreed/suggested to but didn't understand)
Gove writes to Maros Sefcovic: remember that protocol thing or whatever it was we signed last year? You know, the one we didn't understand? Calling it the NI Protocol instead of the NI Backstop doesn't seem to have worked..............can we talk about it again?
Unfettered access my aris....
Take back control of our borders (except the new internal one we agreed/suggested to but didn't understand)
Gove writes to Maros Sefcovic: remember that protocol thing or whatever it was we signed last year? You know, the one we didn't understand? Calling it the NI Protocol instead of the NI Backstop doesn't seem to have worked..............can we talk about it again?

sadly the gaslighting carries on:

this is a tweet posted this morning from an MP whose surname is "pine"

"Glad to see U.K. government is now engaging with GB/Northern Ireland trade issues. They need to smooth out all internal U.K. trade so it runs as before January. The EU should not be allowed to damage it"

this is the reason brexiters should not be allowed to claim: "its time to let it go"........dishonesty should be called out. dishonesty is not democracy
sadly the gaslighting carries on:

this is a tweet posted this morning from an MP whose surname is "pine"

"Glad to see U.K. government is now engaging with GB/Northern Ireland trade issues. They need to smooth out all internal U.K. trade so it runs as before January. The EU should not be allowed to damage it"

this is the reason brexiters should not be allowed to claim: "its time to let it go"........dishonesty should be called out. dishonesty is not democracy

The fish Twitterer?
Run as before? Kinda obvious answer to that. Good thing he and his ilk were totally aware of the implications and the damage that was on the horizon, eh?
A16 dramatics again I wonder?
...... They need to smooth out all internal U.K. trade so it runs as before January. The EU should not be allowed to damage it......
Widely predicted that brexit problems would be blamed on the EU, or everybody/anybody other than Johnson/Gove/Farage.
Personally I blame the electorate for being suckers and believing the right wing media
Here’s 1978, MPG and decimal things:

The last fella spent 10 years fighting in 6 year war. Scandalous I tell ya. Next they'll want to rename it to World War 50.8! *

* Think about it
er - give us a clue
that lady at 1:45 in the video was a visionary. I think that was an early tesla!!

(she only drives her cart 4 mph, but she's can still run circles around the EU vaccine delivery.).
sadly the gaslighting carries on:

this is a tweet posted this morning from an MP whose surname is "pine"

"Glad to see U.K. government is now engaging with GB/Northern Ireland trade issues. They need to smooth out all internal U.K. trade so it runs as before January. The EU should not be allowed to damage it"

this is the reason brexiters should not be allowed to claim: "its time to let it go"........dishonesty should be called out. dishonesty is not democracy

it's time to let it go ..........
it's time to let it go ..........
The time to let it go will be when we are all basking in the obvious benefits of brexit and wondering what all the fuss was about.
No benefits have shown up yet but it's only 5 years of negotiations so far. What's the hurry?
Come to think - I can't remember what the benefits were supposed to be. A bit weird - were we all hypnotised somehow?
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Whole debacle was an excercise in mass obfuscation

As somebody said this morning:

Boris Johnson said he'd never agree an Irish Sea border, then agreed it, denied he'd agreed what he'd agreed, then implemented it...& now says there must not be an Irish Sea border.
As somebody said this morning:

Boris Johnson said he'd never agree an Irish Sea border, then agreed it, denied he'd agreed what he'd agreed, then implemented it...& now says there must not be an Irish Sea border.
To be fair, he doesn't even know how many kids he's got, so complex international trade agreements must be a bit of a stretch.
i really can't believe he has any! he must have shares/access in rohipnol, only rational explanation or visitied a lot of coma hospitals
As somebody said this morning:

Boris Johnson said he'd never agree an Irish Sea border, then agreed it, denied he'd agreed what he'd agreed, then implemented it...& now says there must not be an Irish Sea border.

He got over it the best you can, just like Bob says.
I am thinking the only way Boris is still in power is because he has so much dirt on everyone else in the parliament that no one will dare to actually get rid of him.

It was fairly harmless fun and games when he was Mayor of London as the damage was limited a bit, but this current shambles is baffling in the extreme.

I will never forget the faces of those brexiteer donkeys at the press conference on the morning of their "victory" like a bunch of 5 year olds trying to explain how they didn`t cut each others hair whilst holding the scissors and standing in a pile of hair.
They never for one moment expected to win, it was a gamble for personal gain and they actually followed it through just to save face. Muppets.

I am thinking the only way Boris is still in power is because he has so much dirt on everyone else in the parliament that no one will dare to actually get rid of him.

It was fairly harmless fun and games when he was Mayor of London as the damage was limited a bit, but this current shambles is baffling in the extreme.

I will never forget the faces of those brexiteer donkeys at the press conference on the morning of their "victory" like a bunch of 5 year olds trying to explain how they didn`t cut each others hair whilst holding the scissors and standing in a pile of hair.
They never for one moment expected to win, it was a gamble for personal gain and they actually followed it through just to save face. Muppets.

I don't think he has dirt on others; it's basically due to a process of:

1. Promise the country an attractive impossibility (that you know you can't possibly deliver, but it doesn't matter because you won't win anyway)
2. Win, unexpectedly
3. Run away and leave others to clear up the mess
4. Unsurprisingly, others (who have some shred of honesty and decency) fail to deliver the impossible (because, you know, reality)
5. The public get annoyed waiting for their attractive impossibility
6. Come back as the only choice left
7. Eradicate any remotely competent or decent remaining MPs from your party
8. Promise the electorate you'll definitely deliver the attractive impossibility
9. Get elected
10. Surround yourself with the most incompetent, malevolent, inept, morons known to mankind

There's essentially no one left in the Conservative party to challenge him; at least in the sense of being a) competent, and b) attractive/entertaining to the electorate, so the party leaves him there. I suppose any remaining rational party members probably hope that Boris will eventually go down in flames (without doing too much further damage to the party) then they can get someone competent in.

Obviously none of this was helped by Labour being unable to connect with the electorate - but granted it's difficult when your opponent is promising people the Earth, in a way that appears to be convincing enough that sufficient voters believed the con.
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