So get rid of one man one vote? Surely it can’t be replaced with an alternative
I don’t go along with that, everyone is equal.
Ps. I never voted on the principle “makes no difference to me” .... how could I know that 5 years ago.
For sure, it's by far the best system we've managed to come up with so far. But, it's not flawless.
The event in question demonstrated that more than adequately.
I am of the opinion that one should only use a vote if one is sufficiently qualified to do so.
By qualification, I mean sufficiently informed of all the wider issues & implications and that one
properly understands and assumes responsibility for what one is using that vote for.
Hence, the earlier suggestion of having an iq test, before being allowed to vote, is not such
a daft proposition. But, naturally, we cannot (and should not), go down that road.
@Blackswanwood , I may come across as a sore loser. I prefer to see it as a honeymoon period
of mourning and bemoaning. I will probably come out of it quite soon.
I agree, that there is no value in crying over spilt milk, and we can only look forward.
Who knows what the future holds ?
Keep happy everyone,
PS; There are still an awful lot of dim people out there