Bosch PBD 40 Drill - Table?

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Established Member
24 Aug 2020
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I have the Bosch PBD Drill and think it is very good - I know a number of others on here also have it...

but am I missing something?
My previous pillar drill had a table that you could move up and down / swing out of the way on which you could then place or clamp the job to be drilled...
The Bosch has a base 'table' but nothing that can be moved up and down, which means that depending on piece height and drill length it might not be possible to reach the item to be drilled!
Should I be moving the head up and down, or is there an option to add a table to the drill?
I am currently using stacked wood to support the piece being drilled, but stability is not perfect!
I dont know of that drill but in the past had a piece of 1/2" plate cut so that the table and the clamp is one better if it was 3/4 but it's now getting heavy...
if lazer cut theres no extra work other than the slot and how u decide to secure the clamp to the tube....
Hi akirk, I have this drill and yes the table is fixed. You can move the drill head up and down by loosening the top handle on the left hand side of the drill. The drill also has a depth stop which is controlled on the left hand side as well, these will stop you being able to turn the wheel that lowers the drill head.
I have it too & +1 for @Sofa description, one word of warning I have found you can, relatively easily, completely unscrew the bolt that the handle uses and it comes off the nut - it can be 'fun' getting it rethreaded.... 🤔



About 16 minutes in. Shows you how to adjust the height as per the process above - don't forget to tighten it up once you have the desired height.
I have a Scheppach cheap pillar drill which quite frankly is awful. I'll be interested to know how the Bosch performs.
There are many positive comments on here, mine included, on the Bosch. I've owned it a number of years and found no need to change it. The only issue I had was the laser guides were slightly off. Followed a youtube vid to adjust them - absolutely spot on now. I think if you were doing some serious netal work it would be out of it's depth, but for woodworking it is fine. Love the digital depth stop, was an absolute boon when installing euro style hinges.
I don't use my PBD often, but I'm very glad I have it when I have to.

For woodwork it's perfect, but some people think the run-out is a bit much for any precision metalwork. You can improve it by replacing the chuck with one of the Rohm Supra-s chucks (SUPRA-S Quick-action Drill Chucks | Cromwell Tools) (I've never bothered, it's perfectly good enough for what I need)
I have a Scheppach cheap pillar drill which quite frankly is awful. I'll be interested to know how the Bosch performs.
As @fezman says there are many threads here on it. I've had mine quite a few years and it fits all my needs, I also paid a lot less than they are now, in a deal on Amazon, Black Friday is coming and I wouldn't be surprised if it got reduced again so worth keep on eye if you are seriously considering it.


Thank you - will have to play with it - seems non-intuitive when I have previously had a table, but will try - my concern is that it stops the depth measurement from working which I struggled to get working and is now working and essential - use it all the time...
I don’t have this drill, but I’m considering getting one. I had assumed that you would attach your drill bit, move the tip to the top surface of the workpiece, zero the depth reading, then advance (or set depth stop) to the desired depth. Is that not how it works?
I will need a new bench drill soon, my gifted to me 4th hand Clarke is squealing and complaining and never ran true 20 years ago. The Bosch is an attractive alternative to the many look-alikes out there. Contenders for me are the Bosch and the Record Power DP25, at c. £300 and £250 respectively. The RP might well be cheap chinese with posher paint.

So to the Bosch. Bosch says stroke 90, but even the Bosch website technical details section doesn't specify the throat or maximum chuck to base. I can live without a tilting base. My machine is 105 throat, 235 chuck to base and I cann get by with that (just). The RP specifies throat 127, chuck to base 355 and stroke 60.

(The screwfix website tells me that the chuck to base is 13mm and the throat is 350, same as the base so both clearly wrong.)

Does anybody have or know those dimensions or know where to look? Even a quick approximate measure would be helpful. Thanks.
I don’t have this drill, but I’m considering getting one. I had assumed that you would attach your drill bit, move the tip to the top surface of the workpiece, zero the depth reading, then advance (or set depth stop) to the desired depth. Is that not how it works?
That's exactly how it works Windows
Thank you - will have to play with it - seems non-intuitive when I have previously had a table, but will try - my concern is that it stops the depth measurement from working which I struggled to get working and is now working and essential - use it all the time...
Nope - just set the head to the height you want, then reset/adjust the depth stop....
And you always have the digital depth gauge readout available as well - if you don't want to use the stop....

