Established Member
Making Dolls’ Houses in 1/12th scale by Brian Nickolls
Complete plans and instructions for making five dolls’ houses with colour illustrations. 192 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P (see below)
Bird Boxes and Feeders by Stephen Moss SOLD
Complete details to make 11 projects with colour illustrations. 79 pages.
In very good condition. £3 plus P&P. (see below)
The World Guide to Whisky by Michael Jackson
Comprehensive guide to the whiskies of the world with colour illustrations. 224 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)
Repairing and Restoring Antique Furniture by John Rodd SOLD
Comprehensive guide to repairing and restoring furniture including dismantling, cleaning joints, restoring components, gluing up, levelling and sandpapering, colouring and polishing. Black and white illustrations. 240 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)
The Complete Book of Tools by Albert Jackson and David Day
Illustrates over 600 hand and power tools, demonstrating how to choose the right tool for the job, how to operate it and how to maintain it. 352 pages. Published in 1978 so lots of traditional tools.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)
Blizzard’s Wonderful Wooden Toys by Richard Blizzard
Complete plans and instructions for making 30 projects ranging from sandpit toys to large outdoor toys and a 1907 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. Richard was a presenter on BBC TV. Illustrated in colour and black and white. 224 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)
Woodturning Wizardry by David Springett
If you want to turn spheres within spheres, stars within cubes, delicate lattices with no apparent means of support then this book with coloured illustrations will show you how. 191 pages.
I’ve seen David Springett demonstrating some of these projects and he makes it look easy but you will have to make some specialist tools which he illustrates in the book.
In very good condition. £6 plus P&P. (see below)
All books add £3 for packing and delivery by Hermes or you are welcome to pick up from me in Newton Abbot with a free cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.
Regards Keith
Complete plans and instructions for making five dolls’ houses with colour illustrations. 192 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P (see below)

Bird Boxes and Feeders by Stephen Moss SOLD
Complete details to make 11 projects with colour illustrations. 79 pages.
In very good condition. £3 plus P&P. (see below)

The World Guide to Whisky by Michael Jackson
Comprehensive guide to the whiskies of the world with colour illustrations. 224 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)

Repairing and Restoring Antique Furniture by John Rodd SOLD
Comprehensive guide to repairing and restoring furniture including dismantling, cleaning joints, restoring components, gluing up, levelling and sandpapering, colouring and polishing. Black and white illustrations. 240 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)

The Complete Book of Tools by Albert Jackson and David Day
Illustrates over 600 hand and power tools, demonstrating how to choose the right tool for the job, how to operate it and how to maintain it. 352 pages. Published in 1978 so lots of traditional tools.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)

Blizzard’s Wonderful Wooden Toys by Richard Blizzard
Complete plans and instructions for making 30 projects ranging from sandpit toys to large outdoor toys and a 1907 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. Richard was a presenter on BBC TV. Illustrated in colour and black and white. 224 pages.
In very good condition. £5 plus P&P. (see below)

Woodturning Wizardry by David Springett
If you want to turn spheres within spheres, stars within cubes, delicate lattices with no apparent means of support then this book with coloured illustrations will show you how. 191 pages.
I’ve seen David Springett demonstrating some of these projects and he makes it look easy but you will have to make some specialist tools which he illustrates in the book.
In very good condition. £6 plus P&P. (see below)

All books add £3 for packing and delivery by Hermes or you are welcome to pick up from me in Newton Abbot with a free cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.
Regards Keith