Blum bits !!!

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Established Member
28 Jul 2007
Reaction score
Middle of nowhere- Lancashire
Does anyone know where I can get hold of an inset bracket 295.7130 and rear mounting bracket 295.3750.01 for fitting blum tandem drawer runners to face frame cabinets?

I've spent ages on the internet today and it would appear the only place I can get them is the US - Surely there must be somewhere over here?

Does anyone know of a supplier as I can get the slides but not the brackets! :x

I want to build a one off sample kitchen cabinet before I go head long and rip the kitchen out and these brackets seem more like an elegant solution than messing about with bits of packing at the side of each unit.

any help would be gratefully appreciated as I'm off this week and wanted to get cracking. :shock:

Many thanks

I've not seen them or the 562 runners usually the UK runners are 558 & 559. Are you looking a t which can come up as Blum USA or ?. As we don't use FF construction as much as them its possibl eits not a UK item.

Strip of wood the thickness of your FF overhang each side of the carcase does the same job

Cheers guys

I'll try Isaac Lord on Monday but failing that I'll go down the wood option, which I've done before but I thought I would try this as I've never used these before.

I did go through the Blum Uk site which is why I was a bit frustrated

No worries - I'll go down the strip of wood route :))
