Blood (without the gore!)

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Still Learning
17 Nov 2018
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North Yorkshire
I had an appointment to make a blood donation yesterday and while it seemed busy one of the nurses told me they had actually experienced a lot of “no shows” due to the rain :dunno: and that the shortage of blood supplies reported in the news over the summer had only slightly abated.

Hopefully no one reading this will ever need a blood transfusion but being realistic at some point some (or someone close to them) will. That blood obviously comes from donors.

Please, if you don’t give blood and are eligible to do so do it. Here’s the link to register and pick when and where is convenient.

For most people travel time will be negligible and I find it usually takes about an hour from going in to walking out slightly lighter!

This isn’t a post to say what a good boy I am for giving blood … far too often over the years I judged myself to be too busy and didn't do it. When I look back I now realise I wasn't and made the wrong choice.
I gave 43 before they would take no more because of prescription drugs - when I had serious operations that need blood on standby I felt no guilt.
I worked with a J.W. - he told me one day how blood transfusions were wrong. I told him he should go and find all the people that were alive because of mine and tell them they should be dead. :)
I only did it in first place because I detest needles - I needed to prove to myself I could let someone do it.
They don't want mine any more because I'm too old. Apparently I can donate up to age 81 under a special dispensation from a NZ Blood Service medical officer but the age limit is only a year away for me so not worth the palaver. But...a peculiar rule...
I looked it up not long ago and am not sure I am allowed to as I had a skin cancer which was removed, it did say that it depends what specific type and I need to ask them directly.

My Dad went to give blood and though he has the rare type that they want because anyone can have it, he is unable to donate because they can hardly get the blood out. Turns out he has an abnormal amount of valves in his veins and it was really painful. They said not to come back.
I looked it up not long ago and am not sure I am allowed to as I had a skin cancer which was removed, it did say that it depends what specific type and I need to ask them directly.

My Dad went to give blood and though he has the rare type that they want because anyone can have it, he is unable to donate because they can hardly get the blood out. Turns out he has an abnormal amount of valves in his veins and it was really painful. They said not to come back.

Sounds like your Dad is O negative which is what they use in A&E. Only 1 in 7 people have it but everyone can receive it.
I was a regular donor for many years, as mine was always tagged for use for babies/neonatal.
Sadly after an acute pancreatitus issue followed by cardiac thrombosis, I had to give up giving blood.
Always hoped I could go back to giving after a few years, but after severe arrhythmia attack, found damage to ❤ gotten worse without noticeable events to me causing it, apart from the recent arrhythmia, which landed me with a defibrillator being installed in my chest and no chance of ever giving blood again, which is a bummer, as everytime they have ask for blood due to low stocks, I feel so frustrated not being able to donate any.
Such a worthwhile cause, I urge people who can to please donate.
Sounds like your Dad is O negative which is what they use in A&E. Only 1 in 7 people have it but everyone can receive it.

As am I, but at 74 I'm judged too old to donate any more.

I'm sure I still have plenty to offer, it comes out quickly enough if I cut myself! (A recent argument with a corned beef tin being the latest event...)
I donated about 160 pints, stopped for 20 years due to medical-drugs.
Started again when we moved 10 years ago.
Had to stop when CKD-3b was diagnosed and iron levels dropped to zero.
After 1 litre X 3 iron transfusions, level too high, so back to donating till level ok.
After last Nephrologist visit "you can now donate once a year". :)
"Sorry sir but at your age we require a letter from your Dr that you are fit to donate." :confused:
Had to cancel my Christmas donation as I ,out of the blue, I 🤮 ,the night before I was due to donate. 😢
Rescheduled but earliest I can get my next appointment is February 🙁
I used to be a blood donor untill they stopped me after donating 99 times as i had developed angina, this was in the days when you just turned up and gave a donation and went home in my case i passed five pubs and had a pint in each one. Two of my sons were also blood donors but when they introduced the appointment system they found it difficult (as we have a business to run) and if they turned up whithout an appointment they would not allow them to donate so they along with four friends just stopped going
I first gave blood when I was 17 and riding motor cycle, there was a group of us who went on mass.
I had to give up when listing my meds took longer than giving blood.
I was also told it’s wrong to give blood, my reply
“It’s my body, I have been on the receiving end, so my turn to help others.”
And then hold the visitor to leave