Bit of a shame

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The fact that 2 page thread has been created with members needing to make their feelings known about him says banning him was the right decision but cmon guys HES GONE


Move on
FatmanG":uyrsgntt said:
The fact that 2 page thread has been created with members needing to make their feelings known about him says banning him was the right decision but cmon guys HES GONE


Move on
Or that you miss him.
It's funny, people like J (who based on his website did have some skills and experience in things like window renovation) don't bother me: easily ignored and the internet is an anonymous place really so who cares what other people think? A member of my family has a similar character - highly opinionated (without much foundation in knowledge) and aggressively argumentative. Laughable and easily ignored.

This forum is a civilised place by and large, with some helpful and knowledgeable people who help each other out. It is soon obvious who knows what they are talking about. And it is easy enough just to focus on the positive members who do not resort to name calling and pointless arguments.
I actually liked him for what it's worth, he wasn't really that bad, just had strong opinions and political views that don't go with what most people on here have, which I find hilarious :D

I will be sad to see him go, he had invaluable knowledge on sash window making and experience that very few will match again on here.
I liked him.

Pricked the balloons of some who got terribly arty farty about sharpening and woodwork and brought it back to what it was - a craft which needs practice.
thetyreman":1rkadum8 said:
I will be sad to see him go, he had invaluable knowledge on sash window making and experience that very few will match again on here.

+1. At least he had some things worthwhile to say. He knows a lot about old school woodworking, things that are sadly becoming forgotten, so have to be re-learned the hard way. When this forum follows the trend of most of the other forums and falls largely silent, we'll regret the people we drove away. Even the inflexible and argumentative ones :wink:
All the following is simply my own opinion (to save me typing IMO over and over again).

With all due respect to previous posts and posters, my own opinion is that Jacob went FAR beyond what could by any standard be reasonably referred to as "play ground stuff".

As sunnybob says, Jacob was a troll, and quite happily admitted that. (BTW, I understand on good authority that Jacob did NOT identify himself as "Forum Resident Troll", the Forum software and/or the Mods did that for him).

And it's completely correct to say to yourself "just don't feed the troll" - in NORMAL circumstances.

BUT if we accept that one basic definition of a troll is someone who goes out of their way to deliberately provoke arguments, then not only did Jacob do that, he also went FAR beyond that definition.

Andy T has managed to find 1 post by Jacob (just ONE???) where he has apologised, but nobody will deny that any apology/ies by Jacob were VERY few and far between. Not only that, 99.9% of the time his ONLY response to any criticism, or to anyone else expressing any differing view to his own, was to personally attack the dissenter, very often in a highly destructive and highly offensive personal manner.

In short Jacob seemed to positively enjoy deliberately issuing "personal hurts" to other members, and that clearly with deliberate malice aforethought. That suggests to me a person who has a defect within his physiological make up. Someone who "gets his kicks" from deeply hurting others is to me just "defective" in some way.

As such he is perhaps to be pitied rather than condemned, but nevertheless, I for one am perhaps even less generous of spirit than even Jacob was in this respect - I never have accepted the Christian parable of "the prodigal son" and there comes a time when I simply have to stop "turning the other cheek".

As said, his behaviour often descended FAR below a level which could be accepted in any playground - or indeed in any "civilised club", internet or otherwise (which is what UKW is to all intents and purposes).

Although I have previously conceded that he had a good level of knowledge of "traditional woodworking", he consistently outweighed that benefit to us all by his totally unacceptable behaviour - a behaviour which, even with EXTREME patience and latitude allowances on their part/s, often needed correction by the Mods.

In short I'll sum up Jacob and his contributions to UKW as on balance totally negative and I for one will most definitely NOT miss him. I sincerely hope he never comes back here, but if he does, then I'll have no problem whatever in living with his presence. It will simply be much easier and more pleasant not to have to do so.

One final point. It seems to be the case that we don't know for sure if he's been banned or not, or if so, for how long. Be that as it may, as far as I know, no individual needs to be a registered member or to log in here to simply read posts on UKW - anyone can do that simply by being on line, and I assume that would include any banned member as well.

If so, it's quite likely that Jacob is reading all this now. If so I'm pleased, and if not I hope he does start reading here soon. Because I for one am not in the slightest bit reticent to say all this to his face.

But I very much doubt that he would be able to learn anything from it because, as said above, Jacob has plainly and consistently exhibited a fundamental flaw in his character - no sunnybob, (and the rest of you), NOT simply by stirring up arguments just for the hell of it, like your comic-giving Uncle, but only to try his very best to viciously verbally assault other people.

Long may his absence continue - "a thoroughly nasty little piece of work".
AES":3rd4krnr said:
Andy T has managed to find 1 post by Jacob (just ONE???) where he has apologised

The search I linked to yields about twenty posts where Jacob apologised.
OK Andy T, noted. But 20 posts with apologies versus how many posts in total?

But I really do NOT want to start a "statistics nit picking" session with you or anyone else. So would you agree that "in the majority of his posts" Jacob did not even attempt apologise in any way?

I think your answer will be yes, in which case I believe the thrust of my argument is, at least in that respect, fundamentally correct.
AES":j1i1r9um said:
In short Jacob seemed to positively enjoy deliberately issuing "personal hurts" to other members, and that clearly with deliberate malice aforethought. That suggests to me a person who has a defect within his physiological make up. Someone who "gets his kicks" from deeply hurting others is to me just "defective" in some way.

. - "a thoroughly nasty little piece of work".

Irony :?:
"With all due respect to previous posts and posters, my own opinion is that Jacob went FAR beyond what could by any standard be reasonably referred to as "play ground stuff"."
Also with all due respect, I assumed the OP was referring to the gloating on the other thread as being playground stuff. Not anything Jacob did.
And if that wasn't the intention of the OP, it was certainly mine.
Off to scale some fish now...
I won't comment on Jacob except to say that anyone who describes the forum as being like communist Russia probably deserves and should expect to be banned.

In reality however it's undeniable that the forum has in recent times become a much more civilised and pleasant place to visit and as already stated, threads that would certainly have developed a toxic attitude have instead produced arguments from all sides without any name calling or falling out.

Long may it continue to be so!
Ever since I gave up professional life to become just a businessman, I have increasingly followed a simple maxim with my employees: "be nice". Irrespective of how others behave it is better not to allow oneself to be baited. It's a waste of emotional energy and time.

Elenor Roosevelt got this right, many years ago: "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent". With only minor adjustments this maxim can be adapted to deal with any overly opinionated, judgemental or rude behaviour.

It always takes two to have an argument. As it is the internet it is even easier to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye, than it is in normal life. It is a choice to allow ourselves to be baited by internet trolls and the choice to disregard them when necessary is easy and painless to execute. Hence J never bothered me at all and I could sift value from some of his posts in his areas of specialist experience, and simply ignore the silly spats and wind ups. We are not kids here in this place.
And the best possible outcome you can expect from having an argument with an idiot on the internet you don't even know is winning an argument ......... with an idiot on the internet you don't even know. :D
I'm more worried that the tin of paint balanced on the upside down bowed plank being pushed by 2 x 3ft long push sticks over the planer has caused him an accident.
Or maybe he has gone into his bunker whilst the world is in turmoil.
Perhaps he is self isolating and doesn't want his computer to catch the virus either