Bit of a sculpture type thing......

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Established Member
29 Oct 2008
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Norfolk, near the sea.
Had a bit of a struggle getting a pic of this, it wouldn't fit in my photobox so it was taken in the garden in bright sunshine.
The piece is representative of the entrance or portal to the other world or afterlife as believed by cultures long gone. The ring is suspended on a single length of leather thong that goes around the ring inside two grooves and then simply goes over the two bits of wood atop the posts, it was done like this as I did not want any holes in the ring or anything tied through the middle of it. The ring itself is Sycamore, textured and coloured with acrylics. The base and posts are Oak, which I'm hoping the cracks will open up a bit more in(its been left in the hot sun for two days to encourage them). The panels are carved in and coloured with acrylic.
The inscription is written in the runic alphabet, not prehaps as the anles/saxons or vikings would have spelt the words but just in a straight translation from modern words into that alphabet. It is a warning of the portal and the words say 'Death Awaits'.
The base is 28" long, overall it is 21" high and the ring has a diameter of 12".




Comment and critique welcomed

This is simply beautiful JT, i'm afraid I have no consturtive criticism at all other than to say that I love this piece, exceptional in my opinion, I am going to learn a lot from studying it.

Thank you.
Very nice JT. You can see you've put a lot of thought into that.
Very Stargate, good crisp detail and edges with clean sharp contrast finishing.

Proportions look good to me.
Thanks Lee,Tom and Chas.

Tom the lot of thought bit was needed in working out how to suspend a heavy wooden ring,straight and central without drilling into or tieing through it. :lol:

CHJ":2n3euhyf said:
Very Stargate

:shock: Don't say that!! Its Oak and Sycamore, representative of our ancient culture!!!!!!!! :lol:
Very nicely made Johnny :D
Think i would have liked the texture on the two supports the same as on the ring which would have tied it all together better i think. :?:
You really are into the arty work Johnny and getting better with each piece. I really like the almost industrial cleanness of the lines and the softening effect of the texturing. Your mind has obviously got a bent for this sort of work. Look forward to the next one

Thanks chaps :D

Paul, regarding the texturing, the ring is seperate to the stand,it represents the portal to the afterlife and the texturing on it is to reflect this,the texturing on the stand is small wiggles representative of water, water being the medium our pagan ancestors believed the entrance to the afterlife to be in. So it sort of makes sense doesn't it? :lol:

I like this a lot, particularly the texture on the ring. I assume you used the method from the article in the magazine (Nick Arnull I think).
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>


You are really coming out with great ideas. You obviously are putting in a lot of thought about what you want to say through your work and this shows.

For me it adds a real connected depth between the maker and the piece. Also I believe that this also transmits to the viewer. Even if they do not read or are aware of the basis for a piece they will I believe always see something special.

Well done and keep them coming.
Hi Johnny, Its great to see you are following my articles in the woodturning magazine and coming up with interesting ideas and applications for the texturing.
It always amazes me how Nick Agar and myself get confused.
Great work afraid the mug of tea has been gazumped with a more acceptable offer!
Nick Arnull.
an excellent piece J.T -proportionally I would have liked to have seen a bit more of a gap between the ring and the post's but this is a very minor personal preference
JT wrote
Paul, regarding the texturing, the ring is seperate to the stand,it represents the portal to the afterlife and the texturing on it is to reflect this,the texturing on the stand is small wiggles representative of water, water being the medium our pagan ancestors believed the entrance to the afterlife to be in. So it sort of makes sense doesn't it?
Makes perfect sense Johnny :D
Thanks for the kind words :D

Duncan,yes I pinched Nick Arnull's colouring method for the texture on the ring,I think it produces a great looking effect.

Mark,thanks,I do hope people see something in it,as in some sort of meaning rather than just an object.

Nick Arnull":2ann80ge said:
......afraid the mug of tea has been gazumped with a more acceptable offer!

Bugger! I knew I should have offered you custard creams aswell :lol:

George, thanks. Just for a bit more explanation on the proportion/position, the posts are at an angle of 75 degrees which is more or less the angle that my arms are when held up, the ring is positioned where the head would be, giving it a human form element.

Hi JT,
A fantastic piece, wouldn't like to criticise it at all!

I like the way you are thinking through your pieces, it is adding another dimension to "simple" lathe work.

Malc :D