Bicycle chain "slipping".

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Jacob FFS I'm not saying freewheels don't play up and yes I've come across it and repaired / replaced them , but the fact remains they do not cause slipping .
I don't think you make stuff up what I do know is you won't admit your ever wrong and have to have the last word ,its no wonder people don't bother posting when your involved which is a shame as you do have a lot to offer .
Jacob":3oxzewc5 said:
clk230":3oxzewc5 said:
think about if the ratchets are sticking the bike will act like a fixed wheel ,this does not give slipping symptoms.
Don't presume I hadn't noticed it was a freewheel as it had to due to the age and being 6spd and they are still very very common .

Simple fact is life is to short to argue with you.

To the OP pm me for any advice.
This could run and run!
Ratchets do stick, and fail to engage. I know this, I've seen it, I've fixed it, it happens often with old bikes left out in the rain etc. etc.
The fact that this is news to you doesn't make it any less true. Do you think I make up this boring b**llox or have hallucinations! This is ridiculous!

well stop commenting then
clk230":3l7japbc said:
Jacob FFS I'm not saying freewheels don't play up and yes I've come across it and repaired / replaced them , but the fact remains they do not cause slipping
Yes they do.
If the ratchets don't engage the block can spin or jerk round. If it isn't attended to soon enough it knackers the ratchets and you need to replace the whole block
Anyway Ross just give it a few squirts of oil it may be the answer. Always best to try simplest things first.
And whatever the cause these old freewheels need regular oiling as they have no seals.
The other thing is to avoid standing on the pedals in top gear - change into a lower gear and save maximum effort until you are in bottom and have run out of gears. Unless you are a sprinter / body-builder etc.
Spinning or jerking round is NOT slipping ! the freewheel is not old and all modern 5 & 6 spd bikes still use them some 7spd will as well (referring to the rear wheel).so not sure why you keep referring to them as these old freewheels.
The Eriba Turner":2baywc02 said:
Perhaps get the apprentice to check you out or better still build a dog cart and give up the cycling :lol: .

Merry Christmas and look forward to a new humorous WIP next year.

Regards Keith

Thanks Keith, strangely enough I was considering the next project to be a cart, won't tell you what the "apprentice" had to say about that, "aint enough hob-nobs in the World Gran'dad" was part of it though :D
I see world peace is still some while away if we can't even keep calm over a bike chain. :oops:

I had exactly the same issue and mine turned out to be a stiff link. Replaced the chain and voila. No more jumping or slipping.
billybuntus":1hihpuef said:
I see world peace is still some while away if we can't even keep calm over a bike chain. :oops:

I had exactly the same issue and mine turned out to be a stiff link. Replaced the chain and voila. No more jumping or slipping.
Stiff link usually fixed by a squirt of oil - and not leaving your bike out in the rain!
We should just all submit to Jacob's superior knowledge on all things he comments on , I could comment about stiff links but Jacob would just shout louder so let him talk more crap maybe one day i'll know as much about bikes as he does lol .
So, what do you squirt on your stiff links then? Some sort of secret remedy only known to world class bike experts? :lol: :lol:
RossJarvis":1m5z6bt4 said:
On my Bicycle, which is just over a year old and not had a lot of use, the chain slips frequently, when going up hills whilst I'm standing up. This started a couple of months ago, with the odd slip and now it happens on every peddle push. So far I've not been able to observe closely what's happening as I find difficulty cycling up-hill standing up and looking at the drive-chain without falling off :eek: . I've had a look on t'internet and the suggestions there seem to indicate chain or sprocket wear. The chain seems fine (forgetting the rust :oops: ) with no tight links, or noticeable "stretch". The sprocket teeth, front and back seem fine, so I'm suspecting something up with the ratchet in the free-wheel. Anyone know of links or advice on how to investigate this and what to look for?

Have you tried the supplier, maybe a common fault although they probably won't admit it.
Also having a look here might help?

Now if we can just get the children to play nicely or Santa won't be calling ;)
I think I've cracked it. Thanks for the help. It appears to be stretch in the cable. I approached the local, small hill and found this was happening in gears 3-4. I found the cable could be adjusted with a little collar and tightened it up and now there appears to be no slip. I'm waiting to recover before giving it a bit more of a test. One thing I've now noticed though, is that the rear chain set (sprockets) oscillate a bit in free-wheel, with the bike upside down. I.e. Get the rear wheel going, then hold the pedal still and the sprockets appear to rock around a bit as the wheel spins. Almost as if there's a bend in the axle. Don't know if this is anything to do with it.

Having taken the b****y thing back a couple of times, I've given up the will to live going near the shop I got it from. It's staffed by twelve year olds who appear to know nothing and are incapable of any form of effective remedial work what so-ever. Normally I'd try to stand up for my consumer rights, but with a number of other events over the past year I'm preserving my sanity by cutting my losses on this. Plus I've developed a strong feeling that most products these days are c**p and customer service is a completely alien concept to most organisations. I'm mightily fed up of fighting a no-win situation with the Capitalist System and intend to dig a burrow in the garden and stay there, feeding off of voles, nuts and discarded boxes of Southern Fried Chicken!!!
Jacob":2ts5ax2t said:
billybuntus":2ts5ax2t said:
I see world peace is still some while away if we can't even keep calm over a bike chain. :oops:

I had exactly the same issue and mine turned out to be a stiff link. Replaced the chain and voila. No more jumping or slipping.
Stiff link usually fixed by a squirt of oil - and not leaving your bike out in the rain!

I never leave my bike outside as it's too expensive to replace. Tried everything but the link was totally seized. Just happened all of a sudden halfway through my local 12 mile circuit. Pretty annoying.
billybuntus":1t0fwka5 said:
Jacob":1t0fwka5 said:
billybuntus":1t0fwka5 said:
I see world peace is still some while away if we can't even keep calm over a bike chain. :oops:

I had exactly the same issue and mine turned out to be a stiff link. Replaced the chain and voila. No more jumping or slipping.
Stiff link usually fixed by a squirt of oil - and not leaving your bike out in the rain!

I never leave my bike outside as it's too expensive to replace. Tried everything but the link was totally seized. Just happened all of a sudden halfway through my local 12 mile circuit. Pretty annoying.
You can spread a stiff link (force the outer plates apart) if you have the right chain tool but most of the time one wouldn't carry one.
RossJarvis":d06n7ubv said:
I think I've cracked it. Thanks for the help. It appears to be stretch in the cable. I approached the local, small hill and found this was happening in gears 3-4. I found the cable could be adjusted with a little collar and tightened it up and now there appears to be no slip. I'm waiting to recover before giving it a bit more of a test.

Ah - you were "between gears". Good to hear it's working again. Merry Christmas!

And I was hoping this thread would last into 2014 :twisted:

Still might though, the discussion seems to have a life separate to the problem/solution. :wink:
RossJarvis":1xedvdyz said:
Hmm, where does the air go to blow the tyres up?

I guess they must be some kind of semi solid airless tyres.

RogerS":1xedvdyz said:

I'll go out on a limb and claim it's got sealed for life, super duper tough as you like, last forever, never needs oiling, teflon based, back flatened on a waterstone, hollow ground, stropped on a fishermans belt, NASA designed, German engineered, gold plated, fur lined, ocean going, bestest ever, can't be beaten, Sheffield steel, longest family heritage, used by all the greats, wear resistant, heat treated in the sun, quenched in the tears of angels, bearings throughout.
I'd like to see someone "one up" me on that one 8)