i'm about to start making a workbench and chop saw stand for my studio. They will be used for general workshop activities. The workbench will be on wheels while the chop saw stand will be stationary running down one of the walls of the studio.
I have a few questions about how to construct the workbench and chop saw stand. The legs will be made from 75mm x 100mm Redwood Planed Timber, Finished Size 69mm x 94mm. While the horizontals will be made from 50mm x 75mm Redwood Planed Square Edge timber, Finished Size 44mm x 69mm.
What would be advised as the best method to fix the horizontals to the legs? Mortice and Tenons seem to be used a lot, if this is suggested what sizes should the tenons be on the horizontals and how deep into the legs should they go? Would they only require gluing? Or would you suggest an alternative way of fixing?
Thanks in advance
i'm about to start making a workbench and chop saw stand for my studio. They will be used for general workshop activities. The workbench will be on wheels while the chop saw stand will be stationary running down one of the walls of the studio.
I have a few questions about how to construct the workbench and chop saw stand. The legs will be made from 75mm x 100mm Redwood Planed Timber, Finished Size 69mm x 94mm. While the horizontals will be made from 50mm x 75mm Redwood Planed Square Edge timber, Finished Size 44mm x 69mm.
What would be advised as the best method to fix the horizontals to the legs? Mortice and Tenons seem to be used a lot, if this is suggested what sizes should the tenons be on the horizontals and how deep into the legs should they go? Would they only require gluing? Or would you suggest an alternative way of fixing?

Thanks in advance