Best finish for exposed pine floorboards?

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Ace, thank you - I'll try searching for that and see what there is.

My Mom has now also looked into it and also thinks I should do varnish, so I might go for that to avoid family discord... :wink:

She also suggested Ronseal Diamond Hard floor finish which was mentioned earlier in the thread.
If you`ve got the nerve no finish at all is the best ,saves time and money; pine is too soft too dye ,it scratches and shows the white wood under the stain. If it is new pine ANY finish that you put on WILL wear through on heavy traffic areas .Old pine is harder and you could take one of the above suggestions. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU PUT NO FINISH ON-It becomes the same as it would in the heavy traffic areas but matches all over the floor . A pine floor with no finish on, you scrub with bleach 4 times in the first year and then YOU have a finish , ie; dirt that improves with age
Hi. Its been a few years but can you please tell me how it went?
I'm about to get sample pots of Osmo hard wax oil and Fiddes

what did you use and what do you recommend?
Judy Brunton":8wqpdz7r said:
Hi. Its been a few years but can you please tell me how it went?
I'm about to get sample pots of Osmo hard wax oil and Fiddes

what did you use and what do you recommend?
If it's any help Osmo has a very good reputation Judy. I used it on my own repaired oak floor and after a year or two (with young kids) it looks great. Easy to apply and also easy to patch repair. (So if you need to sand a small area back and refinish due to some minor catastrophe the osmo will take it, a varnish will not as far as I understand.) Wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Lots of people use as a a finish for furniture, cabinets, various projects they make. It's a good product. I believe the fiddes is also good but I have no personal experience. Do a search on here for Osmo and you will find lots of threads.