Bench drill - Bosch PBD40

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Hi, I’m responsible for the current top review on for this machine (same user name). Wrote that in Feb 2018 and my assessment has not changed. You can’t go wrong with it as long as you appreciate its physical size limits. I have a tilt vice with its own platform for angled drilling. Regards Chris
I'm another who actually has one. I did hesitate because of the (green not blue) colour, but I've been delighted with it. So easy to adjust speed and height, and the depth gauge is really good. Like others, I would certainly buy it again. The only thing I'm not wild about is the wheel (instead of lever), but that's not a biggie.
Given your statement that you are "not planning to use heavily, some small projects and using general and forstner bits", anything bigger/more "professional" would IMHO be a waste of money. Go for the Bosch - you won't regret it.
I'm another with the Bosch. Very Happy with it. I use the base clamp a'll the time. I don't have a drill vice.
Mine shares the same stand as my grinder, so being able to move it is important.
Also, I find the side wheel good because when taking a deeper drilling you can keep turning the wheel.
Got one six months or so ago (well. it was before lockdown and who's sense of time is working anymore? But it was before lockdown and after xmas).
It's small enough to live under the lathe and lift onto the bench when I need it, the runout is good enough for woodwork (I think a machinist might cry), the speed control is a luxury compared to swapping belts on the bench drills I used before, and all I use it for is holes where I don't think I can drill by hand vertically enough (usually with forstner bits or where I want a really accurate depth stop) so it's never abused for the non-drilling tasks pillar drills often get landed with like sanding. I don't think it'd take lateral pressures on the quill like that.
The wheel is a bit of a pain, but my uses don't tend to be as badly affected by it as others are.

Not throwing out my drill/driver or my hand drills or my braces though. Horses for courses and so on.
Can I suggest that it would be a good idea to give an opinion on something you own rather than give your opinion based on the experience of others.
If you care to look at the You Tube video and listen to what Manor Wood has to say (and he earns his living from woodworking) you might give credence to his opinion.
Well i took the plunge and purchased it, i would have loved to have a big old fobco or similar but i just don't have the space or need for a large drill. To top it off the prices on the bay seem to be going up, im sure that's because of the fact they are bomb proof and will last a lifetime or three.
Thanks again for the replies, helpful as always.

Take care
Am I correct in thinking that Amazon is the only reputable place you can purchase this drill from as I can't find anywhere else, well, not anywhere I feel comfortable buying from?
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