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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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Bet that got some attention!
I've just been given a dozen bottles of Budweiser, I've found it very bland.
Anybody else tried it?

Q: What have American beers and making love in a canoe got in common?
A: They're both f***ing close to water.
Tasteless rubbish - mostly rice, rather than malt, so it isn't surprising.
So the consensus seems to be that they cannot make good beer? Have to say that I dont mind an ice cold Miller on a warm barbeque day.

I would also say that they cannot make a decent chocolate :lol:
I assume you mean the US version of Budweiser.

The Czech version is much, much nicer

The original Bud from Czech is much better.
They also drink it so cold to numb your taste buds anyway.

Had some local beers whilst in Toronto, they were not too bad.
Also a number of bars there sell UK brews.

My wife tried some Cadburys chocolate in Canada which was awful - it is made under licence by Hershey which explains why!
Dread to think what will happen if Kraft take Cadburys over?
The taste of Kit Kats etc has changed since Nestles took Rowntrees over?
The only chocolate which seemed to taste the same were Toblerones and Lindt chocolate?

Yep! The American version. It certainly lacks any Malty taste.
Some of the above comments remind me of a Dick Emery sketch.
He was sitting in and Arab tent with a glass in his hand and he asked his host what the drink was, the Arab leant across and whispered in his ear.
DE nodded, then added, 'you must have a lot of Camels!

The US can make beer, but its patchy. I am currently in Cincinnati and have been drinking Samuel Adams Ale. They do a standard one and a seasonal one, which rotates 4 times a year and is flavoured/brewed with different ingredients. The winter seasonal is pretty good!

When I was in Minneapolis the apartment block was situated above a pub that had a micro brewery attached, they brewed some truly excellent beers there and didn't serve any of the foul 'domestic' stuff most of the bars relied on.
I reckon though with a bit of effort I'll be able to force it down. :lol:

Ah but if you're like me and have drastically reduced alcohol consumption over the last three months then every unit needs to be of maximum quality. Discovered I was kidding myself as to the number of units I was drinking.
The brewers will never make a profit out of me Rog, after Prostate surgery my capacity is similar to a damp sponge!

Clarkson described Budweiser as a horrible headache in a can and he's right, no taste and always by the time I got to the bottom of the second bottle I had the beginning of a headache. So I stopped drinking it

Sam Adams is nice and Sierra Nevada pale ale is nice too, seem to recall that Wasatch Ale was a good drink as well
US Budweiser isn't to my taste either, but I reckon it's a lot better than the bastardized versions of European lagers the big brewers make over here and inflict on us.

Heinekin, Stella, Carlsberg etc are all perfectly good lagers in their homelands but the filth made here is unspeakable. The worst has got to be Carling, though. Disgusting on every level.

Why do people drink this ditchwater when us Brits brew the finest ales in the world?