Bandsaw blade guide replacement

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11 Sep 2008
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I'm new to this, and have inherited a 12" bandsaw

I can't post a webpage, so it's the clarke 12" bandsaw CBS12wv found at machinemart.

It's on very good condition, and i've carried out the setups recommended in the manual, but i'm still having the blade twist during cutting.

I've read elsewhere that the blade guides are a bit naff to say the least - is there a way to upgrade these to a proper bearing type blade guide? I can't really afford to buy a new bandsaw for occasional use.

Or any web sites that i can contact to see if any alternative blade guides are available.

Thanks for reading!
Hi djcslip,

Welcome to the forum. :D

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This is the saw:

I have not use that type of band saw but there are some members who have similar 3 wheeled machines, hopefully one will be along with some advice, soon.
How fast are you guys?!?!

Thanks a lot - i'll email machine mart later and let you know.
I had the same problems so I fitted replacement tyres to the top and idler wheels, I got these from a motor bike inner tube cut accurately and a good stretch fit but the blade still wandered.
I then got a 3/16 new blade and replaced the guide bolts with only a 1/2 mill gap adjusted the blade tracking and tensioned the blade correctly the saw now works perfectly.
I got 2 blades on ebay from a butchers equipment supplier for £14 post free and they are excellent.
Best of luck.