auto centre punch, how long do the pins last?

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Established Member
21 Feb 2020
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South West
I picked up an automatic centre punch today from lidl, it came with a couple of spare spikes / pins / heads, I assumed at first that they were different sizes, but they seem identical, just replacements, so my question is how long would these pins normally last, do they blunt / buckle relatively quickly from repeated impact??
I have a large and smaller Starrett. Expensive, but they last.
Recently purchased a set of starret punches + the auto punch- really good quality and I attempted to use them on various types of steel, ally etc to see how strong they actually were - gave up in the end - I’d certainly recommend them to others 👍👍
It's from lidl, I'd be amazed if it does more than 10 pops before it stops working... At work we use an auto centre punch a lot for marking out patterns. We used to be always breaking them - didn't matter if it was an eclipse or a cheapo one. About 10 years ago I bought a Beta tools one and it's been perfect ever since. If it does stop working one day I wouldn't hesitate to order another!
I have an eclipse one that was my dads, must be 50 years old. Still works a treat. If the tip gets blunt then a quick pass on a diamond wheel soon gets it sharp again. Mine has been done a few times so maybe 1/4 inch shorter than it started out :)
I agree, a cheapo tool wont last long, I've not had one before and my thinking was if I use it a lot and it breaks I'll get a more expensive one next time. It won't be used a lot on metal, which might help the lifespan a bit
I resisted the temptation to go "auto" all my working life, always have 2-3 normal center punches in the drill rack ready to use. I recently saw Ebay had auto's for £3.60 delivered and bought one, at that price if it only does 10 marks before its pointless I wont care much. Regrind and go again, at that price they are like consumables.
I still find myself reaching for the old punches ;)
I've had two Eclipse "Auto's" all my working life purchased in the 60's, a large one with a pack of five replacement ends and there are 4 left unused, then a fine point one never had to sharpen, and later I also picked up an "optical" one, buy the best you can afford and they will last you out if you don't lose them.

Edit: add image.

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I picked up an automatic centre punch today from lidl
A lot of these products are not for heavy or regular use, I have several auto punchs and many hand punches, Starret & Ecclipse that are very old and just keep a good point. The only time I have had any issues was when working with a lot of stainless which did dull some of them.
Eclipse one brought in the mid 80's as an apprentice, gets use a lot on wood and metal tip is less than a 1/3 worn and the adjustment is as good as the day I brought it
I also have an Eclipse auto centre punch. Came from my Dad so I GUESS it dates from the 1930's (and it looks a bit different to the one pictured in a post earlier in this thread). The point on my (original AFAIK) is still there and fully effective, though I have touched it up VERY gently against a small belt sander (VERY fine grit belt) perhaps once or twice over the last 30 years.

You obviously cannot expect a Lidl tool to last as long as that, but as have have some spare points you could try taking one, heating it up to dull red, then as soon as it cools enough to start loosing the red colour drop it into a tin of oil (any old oil). You MAY need to get some black scale deposit off it (use emery cloth in a narrow strip with the wrong end of the point held in a vice). That should get you a tool which will give a reasonable life for hobbyist use.

And while you're at it, take a second spare point, mount it in a hand-held electric drill and grind the point down to a needle end (MUCH shallower angle than for the centre punch). IF necessary, then heat treat it as above. But you will NOT be using that second point as a centre punch! Instead mount it in a dowel (with drop of epoxy) and that will become your MARKING punch (used to accurately mark where a hole is to be drilled BEFORE centre punching - old apprentice trick - tap very gently ONCE with a small hammer on the dowel head - hence the use of a dowel).
I've had two Eclipse "Auto's" all my working life purchased in the 60's, a large one with a pack of five replacement ends and there are 4 left unused, then a fine point one never had to sharpen, and later I also picked up an "optical" one, buy the best you can afford and they will last you out if you don't lose them.

Edit: add image.

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Mine is identical to the smaller one, although the pocket clip has been lost over the years :)
I have a Rennsteig, had it years, adjustable “force”, works on stainless easily, care required on aluminium even tuned right down