Established Member
Just a thought i have been having for a while :?
Was listening to Wogan the other morning so i am not saying this is right or wrong but can quite believe it to be true.
A listener asked why he didn't get the job as Chancellor of the Exchequer Wogan has actually got a finance degree or something like it when Brown, Darling etc etc do not?
This also got me thinking about schools and NHS etc where i doubt very much if they have a relevant background to run what is a multi million pound company.
Going by this i am thinking of applying to Microsoft as there new CEO :shock: i may know nothing about computers but i am sure i could give it a go.
Ok may sound a little OTT but it amounts to the same thing.
I know they may be well educated but please surely they also need to understand the business they are in affect running, i am a chef and have seen so many people open up or take over a pub, hotel etc with little to no knowledge of what it involves. Most then end up bankrupt or having to sell at a huge loss.
And yes i know they have thousands upon thousands of people advising them but they also tend to ignore this advice when it suits there interests not to listen. Or get so much conflicting advice from different sides they have to make an informed choice, but how can you if you do not understand how a business actually works from either experience or at least an education in said business.
Just a thought and i am not being political against any one party this is a generic question involving all parties and who in fact is qualified or not.
Was listening to Wogan the other morning so i am not saying this is right or wrong but can quite believe it to be true.
A listener asked why he didn't get the job as Chancellor of the Exchequer Wogan has actually got a finance degree or something like it when Brown, Darling etc etc do not?
This also got me thinking about schools and NHS etc where i doubt very much if they have a relevant background to run what is a multi million pound company.
Going by this i am thinking of applying to Microsoft as there new CEO :shock: i may know nothing about computers but i am sure i could give it a go.
Ok may sound a little OTT but it amounts to the same thing.
I know they may be well educated but please surely they also need to understand the business they are in affect running, i am a chef and have seen so many people open up or take over a pub, hotel etc with little to no knowledge of what it involves. Most then end up bankrupt or having to sell at a huge loss.
And yes i know they have thousands upon thousands of people advising them but they also tend to ignore this advice when it suits there interests not to listen. Or get so much conflicting advice from different sides they have to make an informed choice, but how can you if you do not understand how a business actually works from either experience or at least an education in said business.
Just a thought and i am not being political against any one party this is a generic question involving all parties and who in fact is qualified or not.