The original version of this was made by Patrick Spielman from 1/8" Oak ply which was then painted with heavily watered-down acrylic paint to give colour to the apples and the tree.
Not having access to Oak ply and not being much of a painter, I decided to make mine from real wood. It consists of around 230 leaves of various sizes made from 1/8" Oak. I cut the leaves from three different boards to give some colour variation. There are 18 apples cut from 1/4" Bamboo which was then stained Red Mahogany - after much testing, this turned out to be the most apple like combination.
The tree, most of which can't be seen, is cut from 1/8" Elm, though I doubled-up the trunk to 1/4". The 12 sided frame is made from 1" Beech and the backer is Birch ply painted with a 50/50 water/acrylic mix. Throw in 20-30 1/8" packer pieces and all in all there are about 300 bits of wood in this piece.
Thanks for looking.
(Pictures are a bit washed out looking)
Not having access to Oak ply and not being much of a painter, I decided to make mine from real wood. It consists of around 230 leaves of various sizes made from 1/8" Oak. I cut the leaves from three different boards to give some colour variation. There are 18 apples cut from 1/4" Bamboo which was then stained Red Mahogany - after much testing, this turned out to be the most apple like combination.
The tree, most of which can't be seen, is cut from 1/8" Elm, though I doubled-up the trunk to 1/4". The 12 sided frame is made from 1" Beech and the backer is Birch ply painted with a 50/50 water/acrylic mix. Throw in 20-30 1/8" packer pieces and all in all there are about 300 bits of wood in this piece.
Thanks for looking.
(Pictures are a bit washed out looking)