Apple Tree.

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Philip n

Established Member
18 Nov 2013
Reaction score
The original version of this was made by Patrick Spielman from 1/8" Oak ply which was then painted with heavily watered-down acrylic paint to give colour to the apples and the tree.
Not having access to Oak ply and not being much of a painter, I decided to make mine from real wood. It consists of around 230 leaves of various sizes made from 1/8" Oak. I cut the leaves from three different boards to give some colour variation. There are 18 apples cut from 1/4" Bamboo which was then stained Red Mahogany - after much testing, this turned out to be the most apple like combination.
The tree, most of which can't be seen, is cut from 1/8" Elm, though I doubled-up the trunk to 1/4". The 12 sided frame is made from 1" Beech and the backer is Birch ply painted with a 50/50 water/acrylic mix. Throw in 20-30 1/8" packer pieces and all in all there are about 300 bits of wood in this piece.

Thanks for looking.

(Pictures are a bit washed out looking)


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Stunning if I were to sum it up in one word. Another labour of love that is very attractive and will certainly catch the eye of any visitor.
Stuff like that could only be produced in the home workshop by someone who loves what he does. Totally uneconomic to produce but so what.
Thanks all for the extremely kind comments. It's very much appreciated.
The actual scrolling side of the project didn't really take that long (thank God for stack cutting), it was more time consuming on the preparation and putting together. Though now that i've made one I reckon that I could make another much more efficiently.
My intention was to sell it - I like making things much more than I like looking at them - but my mother got a look at it over the weekend and has more or less put her name on it. Oh well, what can you do?
A very nice piece of work. I can sympathise with your problem with selling it. Every time I make something to sell my wife decides she wants it.
PS where do you get planks of 1/8 oak from?
Thanks, Samfire.

I sized the Oak myself using a combination of bench saw and thicknesser. I'm a carpenter by trade, so I already have several bits of equipment that I use in my real job.
Hi Phillip , I would agree with what everyone else has said of your Art pieces .That is stunning work ,my mind boggles at the thoughts of the work that went into that piece .

And really you must be quite pleased at it's final destination . Long may she enjoy it , Thank you for posting .