Anyone using a Numatic vacuum for dust extraction

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19 Feb 2015
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North Cumbria
As the title says, my old Nilfisk is getting a tad past it's best with the bags becoming more expensive and harder to source so looking at something from Numatic, this will only be for my mitre saw and other smaller tools.

Is anyone using something from there product range which includes the henry family and relatives. Also what is the difference in a Henry compared to one with Numatic stuck on it as they both look to be the same ?

Also the power ratings seem on the small side, 670 watts compared to my Nilfisk at 1500 watts and our domestic Sebo at 2000 watts.
Lets widen the choice, are new Henries as good as the original or is there something else people are using with a decent sized motor ? I really did not think it would be that hard to find something to just extract from my mitre saw but there seems to be a lot of nothing on offer. Best idea so far is that you can still get 1200 watt numatic motors so look at refurbed henries and worst case stick the original motor back in.
I have Henry's sister Wendy in my shed, and use the old Black & Decker vacuum tub as a cyclone dust catcher, I removed the motor and replaced it with a piece of ply with a hole in to take the pipe from Wendy, which keeps the bag in Wendy empty and clean.
Change in legislation has limited the motor wattage on new vacuums. I think the only way to still get high power domestic ones is to go for the wet dry units, but they can be noisy in a shed.
Try hunting for a used shop vac, I picked of an Yorkleen WV100 and its a great all-rounder and not overly loud.
I also have a twin motor used camvac that is really powerful and quieter when yo use the exhaust hose silencers.
This is my machine for my bigger tools I’m going to see how it works with my smaller tools in the spring ( outside) and if results are good I might do away with my rutlands hush power small vac ( to save space , both are used with cyclones..
Avern Cleaning Supplies
Numatic NVD750 | £587.77 Free Delivery | Lowest Price Guarantee

Numatic NVD750 Workshop vacuum Twin Motor Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner. Numatic High Power Industrial Vac. Low Price & Free, Fast UK Shipping.

Yes that legislation on vacuum power is another bit of daft big brother dictatorship regarding only what can be sold and not what can be used.

I think the only way to still get high power domestic ones is to go for the wet dry units, but they can be noisy in a shed.
That is something I have discovered, Henry 620 watts or Charles at 1000 watts but as you say bigger and noisier.

I will do a bit more searching around and maybe it will just be a case of buying a small numatic llike Henry and then seeing how it performs, if it lacks ability then a new 1200 watt motor is only £65 and very easy to fit as it seems many people have done this.

Thanks for all the replies.
The Nb 750 although it’s a bigger machine it’s a beast at 2,400 wats but I have to say it’s not that much louder than a standard machine . Mine has the additional ( yellow ) filter so if I recall I’m catching 99.9 % . It’s good for me as it’s portable so can travel rather than the fixed units that are quite bulky in comparison. Twin motors and twin inlets - standard Henry hose and 100mm ..make it an all rounder imo ..
I have an NVD 750 on a wheel kit for general clean up and vacuuming in my "work" workshop......It does the job well enough, but it is b l o o d y noisy when I compare it with my Festool dust extractors.

I also have a Numatic " Charles"( Wet & Dry version) which lives in my van and is used for cleaning up dirty mess out on the jobs ( plaster dust, brick dust, water out of pipes, connecting to a wall channel chasing machine etc).....I must have had it for over 25 years & I really dont want to tempt fate,.....but it has never let me down and I have really worked it hard......Its been brilliant! 👍👍👍
I use an old Henry on Router table and sometimes on a Milwaukee battery small Tablesaw. No problems. I just shake out wood from vacuum bag and go again.
Just bought a secondhand 14 inch bandsaw so will see how it goes, not sure….
I've an "old" Henry attached to a cyclone. I've used it with the TPL125 thicknesser, a table saw, router table, tracksaw and mitre saw. Works fine on all but the mitre saw, like most I've seen, has some collection issues as I don't have a 'shroud'/guard to assist collection. Most mitre saws have this issue.

I've said "old" because I ordered a new one when Numatic had a sale offer on them for £99 a couple (?) of years ago. When it arrived it had a smaller body unit than the old one the wife used. She decided to swap so I got the old one. I feel I got the best deal - but the little one still does the job well in the home vacuuming scene.

That lot said - in support of Numatic/Henry - I've recently had to buy a vac for my pond. Suitable for DRY as well as WET use. I'd not dismiss it for use in the workshop: "pondXpert PondMaster", a 4 in 1 pond cleaner outdoor vacuum with indoor function, PXVACMASTER.

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