If you've managed to buy a current model Woodrat for £250, I don't think you've done too badly.
Opinions on the 'Rat are extremely polarised, I know people who've had one for years and hardly ever use it and others who swear by it.
It's really a matter of "horses for courses" but I don't know of any other piece of kit (I don't regard it as a "machine") that can do so many things whilst occupying so little space.
If you've got a billion M&T joints to make, then buy a morticer and a bandsaw, if you've also got to do a load of dovetails, buy a Leigh jig etc. etc. etc..... How much is all that going to cost?
I've only got a 12' x 8' shed, and how on earth would I cope with a bench, saw table, bandsaw, 30inch lathe, morticer etc. etc. etc? So I use a Woodrat for dovetails, grooving, morticing, comb joints (I can make a comb jointed box, including the grooves for the base in about 20 minutes).
I wouldn't dream of using it for some of the things they claim it will do (raised panels for instance are terrifying, so I use the Router table on my Triton workcntre for that!)!
I know that you've been looking at Aldel's site, but here's a link to a specific example of what I mean:
It's not perfect, but it's about as good a compromise as I can think of for a total amateur who does some "bits and pieces" woodworking and doesn't have the space or money for lots of dedicated machines. If I had the space and money I'd buy all the stuff that loads of people on here have, but I'd still have a 'Rat on the wall!
Hope you get on with it' it takes some time to get the hang of but it's worth persevering.