Anyone use Economy 7?

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Phil Pascoe

Established Member
29 Jan 2012
Reaction score
Shaft City, Mid Cornish Desert
Just a thought ... our economy seven is seven hours out of eight. Starts at midnight, ends at eight in the morning. The time it is off appears to be random - I don't think it is necessarily a whole hour at a time. I have one radial socket (where there was a night storage heater, wired illegally :) ) which I can put the washing machine or drier on. My problems are that the drier once off stays off - it might go off five minutes after it's come on. The washer sometimes restarts at the beginning of its cycle if interrupted when its cycle is incomplete at the end of the E7. I thought the purpose of E 7 was to get you to use off peak electricity?
All ideas and comments welcome. (except change your system - we have no mains gas) :D
Morning Phil

our economy seven is seven hours out of eight.

Sound like there''s something wrong with it then. I had an economy ten (yes, 10) fitted when I lived in Devon. It took three attempts to get the new digital meter working properly.

One for your supplier to sort out I would think.


Yes, my neighbour has 10. I'll get my meter checked, as you say. I have to get a sparks in amongst other things to put a ring in the end of the kitchen as there is nothing there atm, so I'll get another couple of sockets and get the existing Economy 7 radial converted to a ring. I've enough spares on the consumer units to do much as I wish. (Including the rings in both workshops :) That'll be luxury indeed.)
E 7 is a pita, but I can't get rid of it as I need it for water heating. Since having my stove fitted we haven't used anything like the power, but of course the stove won't be lit in the summer. Fortunately the tariff has just changed in the right direction - E 7 went up and daytime went down.