I have a 310, for 2 yrs, excellent value. the new fence is a bit flatter than the old but not perfect. I think it was Waka who posted the necessary mod. The arrangement looks a bit heath robinson but it is very rigid. You do need to check for 90 deg after you move the fence as botom of fence mechanism is not machined flat (you could have this done).
Machine as whole very solid. See my posts on this machine for some points to check, and instructions for table setting, which are not in manual. By the way, Felder uses similar system. Lifting tables as pair is V nice and quick to changeover, table setting reamins stable.
Nasty little lever (??? not at all, and Felder has one too) on outfeed, you can adjust easily to dial gauge to fine tune knife height a la Felder till you get 3-4 thou hollow over 1M by tapping the lever (ie in ~ 1 thou steps). There is some backlash in the system so always adjust upwards to final setting of either table.
The cut depth scale for infeed table is not too accurate, but peels off and can be restuck if necessary. There's nothing flimsy in the mechanism, no pressed steel parts, all thick rod and bar.
Thisknesser table is also very rigid, does not move when locked, and digital add on readout gubbins is accurate and helpful if you have old eyes and or stiff back!
I have fitted Felder extension tables to mine with success, see my posts, gives you ~3M tables so you can machine plane flat to a handful of thou hollow over 2.5M which isn't bad. The machine is beefy enough to take this mod. You can also extend the thicknesser table, )also beefy casting) if you plane a lot of long stuff.
I believe you'd have to spend a lot more money to do better.