Anyone have a good tool belt for general carpentry?

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Established Member
27 Jan 2020
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Doing a timber extension at the moment, and spend my whole time picking up my hammer, losing my tape measure, searching for my screw driver, where is my level etc. etc. etc.

You often see American carpenters on youtube with a belt kit, with a slot for their hammer and that kind of thing. Do any of use similar on site, and if so what do you use?
I rarely use a belt, I like the idea of them but in reality always find them clumsy, and heavy.

If I was going to use a belt regularly I would make sure I got a set of braces / suspenders that go with it to bear the weight on my shoulders. I always like the look of the occidental leather stuff, but that it a hell of an outlay

When I renovated my outbuilding, including a new roof, I bought a Faithfull belt to hold hammer, nails and tape, I also have a makita belt for power tools, tape, hammer and screwdrivers but I found it too bulky and constantly got in my way. My advice would be to keep it simple.
I bought a makita belt about 20 years ago, in that time its had occasional but steady use.No complaints, i chose it at the time as they were the only range that i could get ordered locally that did a left handed drill /driver holster.
I use a plano one most days, picked it up off ebay brand new for about 8 quid.The only thing I would change is next time I would get one with a metal hammer hoop instead of the fabric one I've got as sometimes it's difficult to get the hammer in without two hands.
I could never get on with the standard carpenters tool belt I found it clumsy & bulky, I bought an electricians belt & pouch which I find far more convenient.
I wear it on my hip so my hammer is hanging down the side of my leg which I far prefer to it hanging down more towards the front of my thigh & with the pouch in this position it feels more natural as it’s like going for your trouser pocket, probably just me 😆
Yes definitely. I have a Draper suede one I found in box of tools I bought. I was building my shed, losing all three claw hammers, never finding a pencil... I dug it out and didn't take it off for weeks on end.

Not useful for long tools except the hammer at the side - even a long pencil will give you a sharp jab! But essential for hammer, measure, pencil, a handful of nails and screws, mobile phone.

Plus my better half thought I dead gorgeous!

For a few pounds, save yourself a lot of heartbreak looking for the frikking hammer every two minutes
As with some others in this thread, I have not got on with tool belts. The last time I needed the use of a tool belt I just used a separate belt hammer loop, a tape measure pouch and a similar belt held pouch for fixings. Lot more flexible as you can distribute weight and choose position on your body. My preference is the canvas types as the leathers ones may as well be made out of sheet metal and way less flexible in my opinion.

Edit: Alternatively an electricians tool pouch may also work. They will hold the tools and offer the convenience of a portable tote and / or being wearable (albeit man-bag-stylee).
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I think it depends on what you're doing. If you're somewhere that's a hassle to go get what you need (e.g. ladder) then being able to carry whatever tools you're needing outweighs the bulk of wearing a belt. I got a load of the Makita stuff but didn't get on with it as I'd want to swap pouches around based on what I was doing (anything and everything) and you have to slide them off and on the belt which was a pain and the bigger belt was a faff to get on and off. First world problems :giggle:

After digging around I came across DiamondBack gear which has a whole range of pouches of different sizes and configurations. Their main pouches attach to a belt with a very secure velcro system which makes it a doddle to mix and match what you need. The also do other smaller accessories (tool sheaths, fastener bags, hammer and flat bar slings / loops etc.) which clip on and off either the belt or a pouch. They aren't the cheapest but they are comfortable, easy to get on and off (the buckle is great and super quick) and more versatile than the Makita offerings.
If you wear it behind you, as in turned around, when you squat down all the tools don't fall out 😉
I always thought that was the correct way, with the pouches behind you, and maybe a couple of small pouches (like a tape holder or phone pouch) at the front, otherwise you have hammers swinging about where nobody wants hammers swinging about
I use a Kunys one most of the time, this one in fact. It's pretty heavy duty and well built - I removed one of the larger pockets and one of the hammer loops to make it a bit less cumbersome.
Yes definitely. I have a Draper suede one I found in box of tools I bought. I was building my shed, losing all three claw hammers, never finding a pencil... I dug it out and didn't take it off for weeks on end.

Not useful for long tools except the hammer at the side - even a long pencil will give you a sharp jab! But essential for hammer, measure, pencil, a handful of nails and screws, mobile phone.

Plus my better half thought I dead gorgeous!

For a few pounds, save yourself a lot of heartbreak looking for the frikking hammer every two minutes
I have now have an image in my head that I can't unsee of you with it on in the shower

Glad your bh liked it on you, which answers my 2nd concern
