Any owner of a Scheppach Ts 2000 ?

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15 Feb 2010
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France - Limousin - Corrèze
Hi Everyone,

I've got a problem with the raising and lowering of the blade.
It has never been easy, small hanwheel and pretty tight,
but lately it becamed a real pain to raise the blade up and down.

Looking from under, I can't see anything wrong; what I can't see is what happen after the "jointing elbow"
It conect to a sort of shaft that seems to be responsible for the raising up and down of the blade.

Any idea what I can do, just using a lubricant does not seems a good idea with all the saw dust.
Thanks for your answer and apology for my english
Hi Vincent

I have a 2010 with the same problem, it gets blocked up with sawdust because the extraction is useless.

Turn the saw upside down or on its side & remove the bottom plate. You can then see all the working parts.
Brush & vacuum out all the sawdust, brush the cogs.
Spray all moving parts with silicone or PTFE spray.

I've just done this, & it's much better.

Meilleurs souvenirs,

PS your English is a lot better than my French.
What Phil said!

I have actually taken off the base plate so I can crawl underneath the stand and clean it (with a mask on!)

First slide a board between the stand and the saw:


Here we see the offending dust:


The meshing cogs are particularly prone to clogging up (pun intended!)


Don't forget the guide rods that get covered in dust...the grease gets mixed with this dust and eventually the rise does not go to the top because the grease gets pushed up. Clean all old grease off and recoat with new dry grease.

All sorts of corners get blocked up with sawdust:


Brush out (do not blow out with compressed air) the dust from around the motor. Blowing out with air will push the dust into places that will do harm eventually.

This is the bit that stops full tilt...


The dust prevents this working and forcing it will eventually break the mechanism...a common fault.

Remember these things have hard plastic/nylon cogs and should be treated with care. Gone are the days when metal was used unfortunately.

After cleaning use a dry grease (white) lubricant.

The two worst things about the TS2010 (and TS2000) are the dust extraction and the rise and fall and tilt multi mechanism. Basically you have to clear the saw of dust virtually every time you use it.

These tips from NMA are really helpful for maintenance of these, otherwise nice saws.


Hope this helps.

Salut les gars,

Thank you to let me know that I'm not alone with what seems to be a common problem on that machine.
Jim your photos are priceless to let me get what to do, really thank you for your time.
I will follow your instructions and let you know how it went.
talk to you
and at your service for anythings french
à bientot,
Hi Everyone,

I've got a problem with the raising and lowering of the blade.
It has never been easy, small hanwheel and pretty tight,
but lately it becamed a real pain to raise the blade up and down.

Looking from under, I can't see anything wrong; what I can't see is what happen after the "jointing elbow"
It conect to a sort of shaft that seems to be responsible for the raising up and down of the blade.

Any idea what I can do, just using a lubricant does not seems a good idea with all the saw dust.
Thanks for your answer and apology for my english
Hi there, I’ve just bought a second hand Scheppach TS2000 (I had one before) and the rise/fall for the blade does