Well finely. I tried to make it but when saving the design Sketchup stopped responding. (At work we currently have a very bad internet connection (bad cable that is sorted out next week by the telephone company) this causes some strange behaviour on the network drivers mappen over internet on remote servers)
But anyhow I have just drawn yet another bowl/pot/vase.
These are about the steps I took:
- draw a profile
- draw a 12th arc as a patch
- use the follow me tool to make the bowl/pot/vase section.
- drawn a rectangle and copied it multiple times (copy one type x15 or what ever number of times)
- use intersect and delete the rectangles
- select apiece of the section by double clicking it make it into a component (make sure to tick the box replace in model)
- select half the stack of segmets and rotate it 15 degrees.
- select the complete stack and rotae it 30 degrees and type x10
- colour the segments
- enter a few of the segment components. In the view menu select show hidden geometry. Start drawing some pattern.