So sorry I haven't replied earlier to thank everyone for their support (and if I have replied, apologies for my poor memory).
I have been working on the D&M Show Guide and the next issue of British Woodworking, which needs to be out by the end of September so that we can insider the Show Guide. I will be having a stand at D&M's Tool Show at Kempton in October.
It is proving to be a big challenge getting back into magazines, partly through my exhaustion and partly through reduced funds as we have missed a few issues. Advertisers and subscribers (and readers generally) have been amazingly supportive, for which I am very grateful, though I haven't informed digital readers well enough yet. One big problem however is that GMC have refused to take the Show Guide which was supposed to be inserted with a couple of their magazines, particularly Furniture & Cabinetmaking. They have said British Woodworking and I being mentioned in the guide a couple of times (I kept the mentions to a minimum) mean they will not put the Guide in with their magazines. As you can imagine this has been rather stressful and a shock. Woodworker and Good Woodworking have been more supportive. We are now having to pay for magazines we paid to send to GMC's printers to be sent to other printers. That hurts.
Thanks to everyone else, and hopefully I'll see woodworkers at Kempton where we will have the latest issue with a full report on my accident and the consequences!!
All the best