Another rat thread

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Established Member
17 Jun 2019
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My garage uses the stealth approach to security- it looks unloved because when it looked respectable it became a target, was broken into and bikes and tools were stolen. This appearance somewhatoffends my neighbour who is as fastidious as I am scruffy, but, my garage is no more scruffy than all the surrounding properties and much less reprehensible than many. Anyway, he has convinced himself it is rat infested. It isn’t (no smell, no droppings, nothing chewed up) but he called me a liar to my face when I told him it was clear (mini rant, apologies, thanks for listening) . I’d like to be able to tell him , truthfully, the place has been treated and I was thinking of spraying doorways with mint . Anyone with experience of rat repellents?
What’s the basis of his assertion that there are rats using it?

I’d be more inclined to set a couple of traps and either be disappointed if I found a rat in one or able to delighted to show him they were clear. Using a repellant (which I doubt would be effective) will never really prove it one way or another.
Could be he has a phobia, many do. In which case nothing will truly placate him. I'd put a couple of safe bait boxes down and point out the fact nothing has touched them. Won't stop him but takes the wind out of his argument
I have a large wild area at the bottom of my garden where a lot of little furry critters live. My neighbour over the back fence came round once and said his wife was worried about rats. I told him to tell her not to worry, the family of foxes down there would control them. He never came back after that.
The ultrasonic rodent repellers are a waste of time. The US army public health section did an examination of them a good few years ago and they found at best they worked for a short time until the rodents got used to them.
Surprising how many people cant tell the difference between a rat and a mouse, my neighbours convinced we have rats, but this isn't one:


Enjoying the mealworms I leave out for the bluetits nesting in the sparrow box just above.
Surprising how many people cant tell the difference between a rat and a mouse, my neighbours convinced we have rats, but this isn't one:

View attachment 181793

Enjoying the mealworms I leave out for the bluetits nesting in the sparrow box just above.
Maybe it’s the focus on your camera but at 1st glance I’d of said it’s a rat but ??? Mice are tiny compared to rats and field mice are even smaller. 🐀🐀/// 🐁 🐁
Explosive devises going off in the middle of the night would change your neighbours mind on what you need to do.