Samfire, it is made of solid wood, this one is actually an experiment in using different thicknesses (but you can't see that - heh heh)
the background is ash planed down to approx. 4mm, the lemonwood is 4mm, one piece of mahogany is 3mm and the other is 6mm. It does work, but think in future will try not to go with inlay wood too much thicker, can see a lot of sanding ahead of me :roll:
It is definitely easier to use all the same thickness. I have found that 3-4mm works best for me, any thinner - especially veneers - are difficult not to split, and need VERY accurate angles (and anyway can't plane it any thinner with my spiffy planer thicknesser thingy) and thicker seems to cause me more problems with fine turns. Did one piece supposed to be rearing horse on hilly 'grass' - the horse that I thought would be difficult to cut was a breeze, but the grassy edge ended up with weird gaps. I suspect my boards may have slipped, but maybe too many ziggy zaggy bits causes gaps? does anyone have any experience of this?
its a bit dark with the flash ,but maybe you can see gaps at right hand side - not upside down, but on it's side #-odid try another, with better results til I tried to add a moon and slipped on the circle.....