Another Dutch Tool Chest

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Established Member
28 Mar 2015
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I'm now the very happy owner of a Dutch tool chest that I've been working in for a few weeks here and there.

I pretty much stuck to the standard design with a couple of changes:
- It seems the norm in the states is to make them with 1*12 material which doesn't seem to be a thing here, so I instead thought what depth would I ideally go for. The main thing was I wanted to be able to get all of my current planes in there. I ended up going with about 380mm internally (~15 1/2") which allowed for an extra row of bench planes up top
- The standard design didn't look like it had good options for bits and bobs. As such, I added a couple of drawers under the main compartment

I'm pretty inexperienced, so this project was a lot of firsts for me, including half blinds and breadboard ends. It was not without mistakes but I'm very happy with how it turned out and it's perfect for my spare room workshop setup.



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Inspiring. I think you are being modest. This looks great. Neat work and joints. Mistakes are normal, learning to live with them, what to adapt to cope, and when to start over is the definition of experience. Glad you customised, it is a special and satisfying benefit of making it from scratch. Envy your plane collection.
Inspiring. I think you are being modest. This looks great. Neat work and joints. Mistakes are normal, learning to live with them, what to adapt to cope, and when to start over is the definition of experience. Glad you customised, it is a special and satisfying benefit of making it from scratch. Envy your plane collection.

Thank you very much. I really have done very little, but have spend lots of lockdown reading and learning from YouTube so I've got the theory on lots of these things even if I'm unpracticed.

Fair point on developing through mistakes... Learned all about making sure you're using the component you think you are with this one! Who else has made a perfectly fitting half blind only to realise you've got the wrong drawer side? Bonus learning of how to do dovetails pins first on the replacement side.

Done something similar, especially when helping the lads with things, somehow loose concentration and misread the plans or cut a non symmetric board upside down. I would show you the mistakes but they are in one of our lads homes. It really does help to draw the plans and then mark up, but even so things happen. Sometimes the problem caused leads to a more innovative solution. Great build. Lockdown has had its compensations.