Received an email asking me to review this band saw so have done so. I'm not sure if it will get published so thought I'd do a "copy/paste" of it here for others although you may already be aware of how I feel on this. It's a pity that Aldi *don't* want reviewers to mention any customer service part when posting - doing so means the review will not be published. Another reason to post a copy here

I wrote:
Damaged product - None to replace with
Although this looks a good little machine the one I received had issues and Aldi were made aware of the them. This was to be my first band saw and I was looking forward to receiving it after watching the web page for it for a long time because of no stock and then it appeared as available. Now very disappointed with the services received so far to resolve this.
Great pity that the band saw arrived damaged - as I found out so did many others received by other users in a woodworking forum. Most of these had been dropped "at some point" during their journey and resulted in damages bent up bases at the corner/s. Whether from the couriers to Aldi customers or transport from the factory...?
Also a great pity is that the Quality Control of the one I received seems to have been forgotten. The band saw blade "drive wheels" still have sharp ragged spikes of metal that hadn't been cleaned off. Initially un-noticed by me when checking the machine out until I cut my fingers. Although damaged I took the opportunity to see if any other problems so had to assemble and trial. Setting the blade to run properly was "challenging".
Apart from these issues - which I hope will get resolved "properly" - it does seem a useful machine - if needing some improvements. For example, the mitre gauge would benefit from having two guides on the arm that slides in the guide slot in the table bed rather than the one (washer) to keep it true in the slot - it wobbles from side to side with only one. The fence wasn't "vertically" square with the table and there's no mention (that I could find) to adjust.
Would I buy again? ONLY if I could be guaranteed that I'd get an undamaged one OR Aldi had stock to replace with if it was damaged lie the one I got. Really would like to give it a higher score than just the one star but feel more let down by Aldi than the band saw.
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