Aldi bandsaw - got a dodgy one or are they all poo?

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I bought an Aldi bandsaw back in Nov/Dec, whenever they came out last. I swapped for a tuffsaws blae straight away (the one linked in this thread). I did have a bit of an issue at first, but I hadn't tuned it properly. I tuned the saw in line with the video shown earlier (I checked a few others and many of them referred back to the same guy). Now it's working fine. I haven't a BS previously, but I'm happy with this.
Just to give an update. Thanks for everyone who suggested the tuff saws blade - I bought one, and that plus follow the snoodgrass guide has made it work acceptably. Probably 1/2mm - 3/4mm accuracy - not perfect but good enough for 150 quid.

I did find i can't square the table to the blade properly - even removing one of the bed screws it runs out of adjustment - i'll probably make some modifications with to give more adjustment room.

It worked well enough to cut some lap joints yesterday for a shed door i'm making (I normally do them very slowly on my table saw, which whilst super accurate takes ages).