I took delivery of a Hyundai 24l compressor and have ordered a silverline 18g air nailer but am confused about the air lines and connections that go between. Euro connectors/ 1/4 inch etc.... Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
1/4” BSP is a screw fitting and in all likelihood the only screw fitting you need be concerned with, 1/8” is mostly airbrushes and 1/2” for flow rates well above that of most domestic users.
Euro connectors, also known as PCL XF, are quick release fittings, that is they're simple push on/pull off things. They look like a shorter version of PCL standard fittings which work in much the same way, the two are not interoperable. PCL (standard) is more widely used here in the UK at least, Euro connectors are slightly larger bore.
From memory the Hyundai compressors come prefitted with Euro connectors. Your nailer probably has a 1/4” screw thread and quite possibly comes with a PCL standard adapter in the box. I'd be tempted to swap that for a Euro adapter (cost a couple of quid or so) to match your compressor and standardise on Euro fittings all round. A bit of PTFE tape on the screw threads before tightening it up is a good idea to help sealing.
However this is to be honest educated guesswork. You can check up the specifics of your tools to get prepared in advance, but if you're not in any particular hurry my inclination would be to hand on for the nailer to arrive before taking it and the compressor manual to your local Machine Mart or similar. They'll be able to identify the couplings at a glance and fix you with a suitable hose and adapter there and then.